Karakoram Highway, a prototype of the new Silk Roads?
Chinese border at Kunjerab Pass et 4 693 m The Chinese “ Belt and Road Initiative ” (BRI) , also known as the “New Silk Roads” , is a work in progress that raises many questions. Yet in Pakistan, the Karakoram Highway, commissioned in 1979, may provide some answers. Parallel to the challenged sovereignty of the country, it could be observed, until these last months, a religio-patriotic discourse with a questionable consistency and an expensive open or latent state of war seeming to assure a form of national cohesion. However, this discourse and the state of war increased Pakistan's international isolation and strengthened its dependence on China as well as indirectly laid the roots for potential fractures between the north and the south of the territory. This article in French Maps of Pakistan (source: French MFA) and Karakoram Highway (source: Wikipedia)