
Showing posts from 2019

Pakistan; extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis?

Although, twenty years ago, the deadly Trade Center attack evidenced the inclusion of a high level of technology, this warning has been largely underestimated. Islamist fanatism and terrorism are generally associated with underdevelopment, ignorance and male dominance. However, there are some clues education and social progress will not be enough to protect us from this threat. Here is an example of an original path which evidences another side of such a hybrid war. This article in French on a Agoravox, a French news website enjoying a powerful SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and a large number of readers:  Pakistan, l'extrémisme comme conséquence de l'arriération ou comme crise de la modernité ?

Un criminel de guerre au fort de Brégançon

Fort de Brégançon, licence cc Wikipédia Emmanuel Macron a invité Vladimir Poutine à venir le rencontrer, le 19 août 2019, au Fort de Brégançon, lieu de retraite estivale des présidents de la République Française. Recevant un tel "interlocuteur", qui n'est pas un homme de dialogue mais un adepte du passage en force et un dirigeant connu pour son non respect de la parole donnée, ainsi que pour son mépris des règles du droit international, il est difficile de voir ce que notre pays pourrait en attendre de positif. En revanche, les conséquences fâcheuses en sont bien plus certaines. Elles suscitent des inquiétudes tant en France qu'à  l'étranger, voire chez des citoyens russes, lesquels manifestent massivement contre un pouvoir autocratique, qui n'a de cesse de les humilier. Message envoyé à la Présidence de la République par le lien:

Présence sur les réseaux sociaux

Suivre les articles et les photographies de Bernard Grua sur les fils des réseaux sociaux: Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, et Linkedin. Actualisation en temps réel des timelines à chaque nouvelle publication. Sommaire Blog "Regards sur le monde" Facebook Flickr Youtube Instagram Pinterest Twitter Kabook Linkedin

Chapursan Valley, analysis of Ms Ramla Akhtar's posts against the Wakhi minority - credibility assessment of alleged conspiracy theories – concerns about imported extremism

Ramla Akhtar wrote numerous posts about Chapursan Valley . They are contrary to the general opinion. Because Gojal, a region located in the northern mountainous part of Pakistan at the Afghanistan and China corner, is still not an area with a high tourist frequentation. Nevertheless, unanimous reports praise its hospitality, its peaceful people and its pristine environment. The Facebook blog page “Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn" exposes a different point of view. While Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam), the contributor of this blog, is a local resident with an external background, it is of importance to review what she reveals of a risks faced, according to her, by solo female travelers in Chapursan Valley. We will look to the sources and inspirations of such a novel. We will try to separate what is part of ancient myths and what pertains to the today reality or imagination. Then, we will learn more on how the shock of cultures and traditions between...

Karakoram Highway, a prototype of the new Silk Roads?

Chinese border at Kunjerab Pass et  4 693 m The Chinese “ Belt and Road Initiative ” (BRI) , also known as the “New Silk Roads” , is a work in progress that raises many questions. Yet in Pakistan, the Karakoram Highway, commissioned in 1979, may provide some answers. Parallel to the challenged sovereignty of the country, it could be observed, until these last months, a religio-patriotic discourse with a questionable consistency and an expensive open or latent state of war seeming to assure a form of national cohesion. However, this discourse and the state of war increased Pakistan's international isolation and strengthened its dependence on China as well as indirectly laid the roots for potential fractures between the north and the south of the territory. This article in  French Maps of Pakistan (source: French MFA) and Karakoram Highway (source: Wikipedia)

What to see and what to do in a short period of time in Hunza

This short program is intended for travellers who would like to visit Hunza, around the Karakoram Highway, even if they just have a few days. Though it is adapted for families with children, opportunities for photographers will be developed regarding conditions of light, most scenic spots and local people portraying. It is considered you use a personal car. However, the last chapter presents the possibilities offered by public transportation means. Table of content Immerse yourself in scenic Passu Village Have road breaks at Rakaposhi viewpoints Enjoy worldclass sunset and sunrise at Eagles Nest Relax or do sightseeing in and around Karimabad Stay in high Chapursan Valley at the knot of past empires Go until Kunjerab Pass and China Share Hunza people way of life Monitor costs, transportation and time

At the knot of past empires: Zoodkhun, a Wakhi village in the high Chapursan Valley of Pakistan

At the top of Upper Hunza in an area called Gojal, Zood Khun stretches in Chapursan Valley . It is a village having numerous characteristics in common with other Wakhi settlements of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and, may be, China (though, not directly observed in this last country). However, its isolation at the very end of a narrow dirt road, coming from Sost, and its altitude of 3,300 m, make it, sometimes, different in term of tradition resilience, scenery, available resources and way of life. The following description will try to show this specificity as to project it into a more general background. May some readers decide to visit this interesting place, to discover its peaceful beauty, and to enjoy the cordial hospitality of its friendly inhabitants. Table of content Part 1 - Zood Khun preserves a scenic and authentic oasis landscape Part 2 - Zood Khun ressources are limited but represent tangible assets Part 3 - Zood Khun sources of past and present religious traditio...

Pamir Serai, Chapursan Valley, where Zoodkhun nights unveil the universe

Zood Khun, mountain in front of Pamir Serai at 10:30 PM, early August Remote and isolated Zoodkhun, the high mountain village of Gojal in Gilgit Baltistan, is a remarkable place to observe and to photography night skies. This article is the translation of the French one published by Bernard Grua, from France, on his travel blog: “ Chapursan, quand la nuit de Zoodkhun dévoile l’univers ”. Zood Khun, western ridges, light going down to the Valley at 05:45, early August The gate to another endless world In the Upper Hunza , on the borders of Central Asia, at the end of the narrow Chapursan Valley , Zood Khun is surrounded by the high ranges of Karakoram , Hindu Kush and Pamir . There, by the end of twilight, the observer does not feel himself in a wide space encircled by the lower edges of a celestial vault. He gets nearly the sensation of being in an almost closed environment. However, he soon understands his first impression was wrong. While, looking up, it seems to ...

Contre-propagande et promotion: Pinterest, un outil déterminant pour occuper votre champ numérique ou celui d'une cause qui vous tient à cœur

En janvier 2019 Pinterest est devenu le meilleur vecteur d'audience de mon blog. Il a apporté un nombre de visiteurs 4 fois supérieur à celui des moteurs de recherche et 15 fois supérieur à celui de Facebook. Voici les enseignements qu'il est possible d'en tirer notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte cntre les fake-news et/ou pour lutter contre l'occupation de votre espace numérique par des trolls diffamateurs. 1. Premier constat: Facebook est un miroir aux alouettes 1.1. Facebook n'est ni un outil de recherche, ni un outil d'archive, ni un outil de lecture. C'est un outil de bavardage L'observation mentionnée en introduction nous montre, une nouvelle fois, que, sur Facebook , le taux de transformation (c'est à dire les clics sur les parutions) est extrêmement faible, moins de 10%. En effet, sur ce réseau, on ne partage et on ne commente, en réalité, que des titres. Peu nombreux sont les vrais lecteurs. Nous n'avons connu que de rar...