Chapursan Valley, analysis of Ms Ramla Akhtar's posts against the Wakhi minority - credibility assessment of alleged conspiracy theories – concerns about imported extremism

Ramla Akhtar wrote numerous posts about Chapursan Valley. They are contrary to the general opinion. Because Gojal, a region located in the northern mountainous part of Pakistan at the Afghanistan and China corner, is still not an area with a high tourist frequentation.

Ramla Akhtar wrote numerous posts about Chapursan Valley. They are contrary to the general opinion. Because Gojal, a region located in the northern mountainous part of Pakistan at the Afghanistan and China corner, is still not an area with a high tourist frequentation. Nevertheless, unanimous reports praise its hospitality, its peaceful people and its pristine environment. The Facebook blog page “Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn" exposes a different point of view. While Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam), the contributor of this blog, is a local resident with an external background, it is of importance to review what she reveals of a risks faced, according to her, by solo female travelers in Chapursan Valley. We will look to the sources and inspirations of such a novel. We will try to separate what is part of ancient myths and what pertains to the today reality or imagination. Then, we will learn more on how the shock of cultures and traditions between two private people can take unexpected proportions in a country rich of diversity, passions and religions. This article will call for discernment. However, it is not intended to cover isolated abuses, if any, especially regarding the female condition, as it happens, unfortunately, in any part of our unperfected world.

All information published below come from, and only from, Ramla Akhtar  (aka Rmala Aalam)'s Facebook public posts or public comments on her Facebook blog page. Sometimes, for clarification purposes, a little information communicated via private messages received from her or from her friend Olga Leonidovna Ozerova , aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия) will be used. Unless otherwise stated, all quotes are from public posts of Ramla Akhtar, respecting her typo, her spelling and her grammar.

Table of contents

1. The apocalypse missionary and her quest

1.1. A preacher managing a followers Facebook blog page and a sect website
1.2. The sources of Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam, RA) self myths
  1.2.1. Chapursan traditions quick presentation
  1.2.2. Matching the main parts of Chapursan legends with Akhtar re-writing her own history
  1.2.3. Why did Rmala Aalam hijack legends not belonging to her culture and religion

1.3. Assembling the patchwork to build a tale

2. How an improbable scenario was promoted into the “real” life?
2.1. The accident which could have ignited the fission chain reaction
2.2. The questionable unverifiable assertions and the weakness of double checked claims
2.3. The flight into a trolling way

3. The conspiracy theories and the negative speech about the Wakhi minority
3.1. Female tourists being “exploited” without knowing it because of hypoxia acting like alcohol
  3.1.1. A culprit: altitude sickness
  3.1.2. A generalization of a distorted personal experience?
3.2. Chapursan youngest kids and old people part of the local conspiracy
  3.2.1. Forced blackout
  3.2.2. Improperly dramatized environment presentation
  3.2.3. Rmala Aalam's theater
  3.2.4. Unwanted other testimonies
3.3. Wakhi ladies in a Middle Ages confinement
3.4. Sectarian followers praise their hero

4. Feeding the narrative and the followers
4.1. Censure and cooking contradictions, fake news building
4.2. Xenophobia as a mobilization tool
  4.2.1. Ramla Akhtar and colonialism
  4.2.2. Foreigners as collateral victims of the speech about Chapursan people
  4.2.3. The way foreigners were purposely meddled in an international speech presented as a private case between two people
  4.2.4. At the origins of her radicalization, the paradox of a blogger revealing to be a stranger while denouncing foreigners
  4.2.5. How the speech about Chapursan was pushed to a foreigner?
  4.2.6. The foreign meddling concept is a distortion of the reality
4.3. Victimization for being praised by followers
  4.3.1. First hoax, a lonesome crusade against Pakistanis and foreigners 
  4.3.2. Second hoax, a good lady abandoned, betrayed and abused, including by her family
  4.3.3. Third hoax, Cosette - Les Misérables

5. The quest for extra material and the ultimate step
5.1. Private provocation and harassment to get extra material
5.2. The last public provocation slanders
5.3. False testimony to French Embassy
5.4. Update 21/06/2019: actions planed for additional slanderous denunciations in pack and new false testimonies: Pakistani and French authorities, clients

Conclusion: what is true, what is a hoax, what is abuse, what is just revenge, what is mythomania?

1. The apocalypse missionary and her quest

1.1. A preacher managing a follower Facebook blog page and a sect website

Ramla Akhtar (RA) is a person who came to Hunza from Karachi (Sindh) after having grown up in Faisalabad (Punjab). She is a stranger to Hunza communities, culture and religion. According to her, she arrived in Gojal in 2013 and had an affair with a married Wakhi man. She pretends to be his «second-wife» and having got her daughter from him. She lives, now, in Huassaini Village on Upper Hunza. One of her Facebook blog pages is Black Mountain, Dragon Soul (+ frequent changing second part of the name). It exposes some kind of dark spiritualism in connection with one of her websites: Deep Soul Down.

Ramla Akhtar as she actually looks
Source: FB public Blog Page
"Used frequently in black magic rituals and put in trances by family which used my body as an organ for the occult to do such things as try to find lost objects".

"I am, a dedicated spiritualist since childhood, had been seeing a vision since 2009".

"My esoteric missions are completely unknown to people around me".
"Like I am on fucking FIRE because I KNOW most of us are marked for death".
"I tell you why I am not a "good woman" who "makes peace". I did not come to this world for passing my time and to make peace".
"I came for SACRED DESTRUCTION, HOLY CATASTROPHE. I came to uproot the vile fruit, I came to turn the soil".
"I thought I fucked some prayer/chant up, and now I am seeing demons everywhere".
"You see, these people who lie and pretend that people of my sect are abusing them or whatever... they are fucking toxic racists".
"People have completely fucked with me, and in doing so gave fuckex with their lives and families because I hrld a rare key to their salvation".
"I explained I am not a hater, but a highly patient spiritually driven person working in a region not only exotic to me, but where I am hated for being me".
Instead of dealing privately with the dereliction of her situation, RA publicly promotes her revenge via her Facebook blog page. Even more astonishingly her revenge will not be limited to one person but extended to an entire valley, including its foreign visitors. All of this is written with a large use of capital letters and slang. « FUCK » is one of her most frequent words. In between is an amazing written and video personal show off. This “reality-show” makes impossible distinguishing what is virtual or not in her plethoric production.

1.2. The sources of Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam, RA) self myths

The difficulty in trying to address rationally Ramla Akhtar's case is not the lack of information. On the opposite, she is a prolific writer about herself. Entering her literature is a hard task. There is no chronological presentation of frequently contradictory, realistic or unrealistic facts. There is no structure while it is more a writing of immediate inspiration to expose obsessions, sometimes partly, sometimes redundantly. She presents her life as a dark novel mixing different elements. Here, reality is just one of the parameters. Although, as it could be understood above, her custom made religion differs from the great monotheist ones, she said being inspired by Sufism. It is doubtful Ramla Akhtar sees herself as a Sufi worshipper. She seems, to project herself into a more valuable level through a self-intended composition made of some Sufi important personalities, especially those related to a specific part of Gojal.

1.2.1. Chapursan traditions quick presentation

Before going into further developments, it is mandatory to spend sometimes in reading some quotes from an article called “Myths of Chapursan Valley.” They will become an integral part of RA's narrative.

“Baba Ghundi was a venerable and religious preceptor from Ghund in Northern Afghanistan... one day he set out on a journey across today's North Pakistan into the Chapursan valley, with an elderly student and the man's two sons...the tiny caravan eventually reached Istiman at the beginning of Chapursan...Without warning, Baba Ghundi fell into a deep fever... After the burial of both Baba Ghundi and his wife, the man and his sons set off back to Afghanistan... After many years it has been confirmed that Baba Ghundi (saint) whose name was Muhammad Baqir, had indeed come from Ghund and died here, buried by his believer"...

"Once upon a time there was a big lake there [near Yishkok] that was very deep... At that time a very big Dragon appeared in that large lake... Every day it demanded either one human being, a large sheep or goat, plus [some extra food]... Their daughter [of parents not rich enough to feed the Dragon]...said that only the offering of herself to the dragon would suffice. [But a mysterious powerful young man killed the dragon.] [He said:]Go back, be gentle, remember God and give up your bad ways. If you experience any problems in the future, come to...the hill west of Yishkok village and say "Ya Ali.""
"Many years later...there was a marriage in a house and the villagers arranged for much music, dance and other immoral dues... many of the men entertained immoral activities with the womenfolk at the party. As the lights switched back on, the men realized with horror that many of those womenfolk were in fact their close relations...[Some decided to test the young man's words]... As the people cried "Ya, Ali" a young man suddenly appeared amongst them riding on a white horse. ..When the [young] man returned to Yishkok, he told the people...that the village must repent with its destruction by a heavy storm. However, not all the villagers were bad and there was one who did not share the habits of the rest of the village...One night later, the noble man had a dream in which a saintly man told him to shift his family to Dankoth, a small village higher up the valley. The saint warned Mr. Gulbast that Yishkok was about to be ruined by a mighty storm... [When]the nobleman returned to Yishkok...nothing of the village remained and only a huge lake stood in its place"...

"Kampeer Diyor [old woman village] is a small village situated in Shitmerg the second to last village while traveling from Sost to Chapursan...The people had wealth... But there also lived one old woman in the village who was very poor and lived in a cave...The other inhabitants of this small village were very cruel and had no any idea of humanity or education. ..They didn't know how to respect people and how to care for a guest nor did even the honor of their women. They...were selfish concerned only with their enjoyment particularly during weddings...One night an old man...went from door to door in the village asking for a little food to eat. The villagers treated the old man cruelly. Some laughed at his poorness, others scolded him whilst still others spat on him and pushed him away from their doors. The Saint continued to visit until at last he reached the cave of Bedah ..Bedah offered the little milk she had in the broken pot to the saint who was deeply touched by her generosity While thanking the old woman he said, ...By noon tomorrow, bring all your belongings back to your home and climb with them to the high area above the village to behold the fate of all in this village except you...Bedah looked on in astonishment as the storm followed the old man... The flood waters began to rise...Gradually, the entire village sank under the heavy storm waters"...

Baba Ghundi who came from Afghanistan, the young man who killed the dragon and saved the young girl, the saint who flooded Yishkok Village and saved the Gulbast's family, the old man who saved Bedah and flooded Kampeer Diyor are, here, different people. However, for some authors it could be the same person as says Salman Rachid in the Pamir Times in the “Old man of Ghund”. Salman Rachid produced a “digest” where all the above described supernatural actions are made by the same person, Baba Ghundi. It is even more interesting because he talks about glaciers and crevasses.

These legends are related to those of Afghan Wakhan according to John Mock, "Shrine Traditions of Wakhan Afghanistan", published in the "Journal of Persianate Studies 4 (2011)".  He especially mentions Chapursan. He also says similar traditions can be found in other valleys of the Karakoram.

Knowing that Karakoram means "Black Mountain", with what is above, we understand the beginning of RA's Facebook blog page title “Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic...” Now let's see how Ramla Akhtar “Spins Her Yarn”. How the legends fits with Akhtar's personal tale.

1.2.2. Matching the main parts of Chapursan legends with Akhtar re-writing her own history

If we reconcile the main parts of the legend with RA's posts, we can see a though chaotic but unifying thread, of her narrative, except for the fact that she doesn't present it as legend but as her life with actual events or observations. This matching is not complete. More reconciliation can be done. On the other hand, Akhtar's writing is structure less. As it is said, it can be redundant. Then some part of “her” life can be used in place of what is proposed. Nevertheless, it has seemed, till now, the most relevant way to address this phantasmagoric case.

Extracts of Chapursan legendsRamla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam)'s tale staging
1. Baba Ghundi was a venerable and religious preceptor from Ghund in Northern Afghanistan1. My esoteric missions are completely unknown to people around me. | [I am ] “Not one of theirs” | “I am not a hater, but a highly patient spiritually driven person working in a region not only exotic to me”
2. One day the victim, a young and beautiful girl, sat by the lake to tearfully waiting to be devoured [by the Dragon] when Baba Ghundi chanced upon her.2. I tell you why I am not a "good woman" who "makes peace". I did not come to this world for passing my time and to make peace. | Trust me their focus will be "why were you cursing" not "why our our men raping young girls openly | Old men trying to be the first to rape a virgin teen girl is a THING!!
3. One day there was a marriage in a house and the villagers arranged for much music, dance and other immoral dues3. The men have a peculiar dance and if you look closely...the "come to me woman" mating ritual dance.....the equivalent of Johnny Depp as a pirate, being hauled off by cannibals.RUN FOR YER FUCKING LIFE, JOHNNY!!
4. That night the party reached a frenzy and with the lights turned off many of the men entertained immoral activities with the womenfolk at the party. As the lights switched back on, the men realised with horror that many of those womenfolk were in fact their close relations..4. There is a valley in **our world** known since decades for its lawlessness, binge alcoholism..., wayward sexuality (sleeping with sisters-in-law and friends' wives and basically any moving female/male thing is completely acceptable here.
5. As the people cried "Ya, Ali" a young man suddenly appeared amongst them riding on a white horse.
5. And I.. sitting on a horse after a 6 hour ride... I just couldn't tell how fucking large or small it was…
6; When the [young] man returned to Yishkok, he told the people that they were cunning, disobedient and dishonest and that the village must repent with it's destruction by a heavy storm.6. I came for SACRED DESTRUCTION, HOLY CATASTROPHE. I came to uproot the vile fruit, I came to turn the soil….My job is not your job. | My lifepath is not your life.
7. ...not all the villagers were bad and there was one who did not share the habits of the rest of the village One night later, the noble man had a dream in which a saintly man told him to shift his family to Dankoth, a small village higher up the valley. The saint warned Mr. Gulbast that Yishkok was about to be ruined by a mighty storm.7. Like I am on fucking FIRE because I KNOW most of us are marked for death.
8. They didn't know how to respect people and how to care for a guest nor did even the honour of their women.8. Demanding tourists and travelers to just SURRENDER is an actual fucking thing … | ? hunger and cold (inadequate food and heating are provided at his homestay and on some days it can send some guests into shivers and mild mindlessness overnight... I have seen several guests leaving quickly if they can... a feat that may be challenging for solo travelers who, due to exhaustion, often collapse and overstay.
9. The villagers treated the old man [the saint] cruelly | The snapping point came when they pelted him with dung and stones.9.People have completely fucked with me, and in doing so gave fuckex with their lives and families because I hrld a rare key to their salvation. | I was hated minutes after I entered the valley first.
10. There is... a... glacier known as Qalandar Goom - the Lost Saint.. I suspect, that some poor soul of a wandering mendicant happened into Chapursan where he may or may not have been treated indifferently by the people. He may have come by an easier route and got it into his head to exit by some difficult way that entailed a bit of glacier walking as well. There he may have met his end, either because of expoposure or by falling into a crevasse.10.Possibly it was similar to when I first (actually second) saw a #glacier... my mind was fucked...I just couldn't tell how fucking large or small it was. .. It's as unexpected, treacherous, sad and non-negotiable as that unexpected sheet of ice that caves under you revealing a crevasse...I have fallen into a crevasse since I came to this land. It is a little private scary-as-shit hell and it's very very hard to explain how and why I cannot climb up a crevasse just the way I can climb up stairs | I had never seen a Glacier sleeping in the arms of scree!

Ramla Akhtar long time ago. When she said she was multi talents person
Source FB public blog page: 
"Black Moutain Dragon..."
It is not clear who is RA in this tale. She is certainly not the simple people who are flooded (“my lifepath is not your life”). She is probably not the old woman (Kampeer) or Mr. Gulbast. She might see her as the beautiful girl to be eaten by the Dragon. Sometimes, it seems the Dragon is her “former-husband.” (See second capture in § 3.3.) Sometimes she can also be the Dragon as written in her Facebook blog page description ("A Radiant Child and a Dragon Mom live on their own in Black Mountains, the Karakorams, away from a collapsing Civilization"). In her mind, she is, too, a highly spiritual person with supernatural powers, a missionary: Baba Ghundi or the other saints. At least, we know because she wrote it, her mission is to punish through destructions and catastrophes. As a consequence, the permanent swing between different roles will add confusion to a messy narrative.

1.2.3. Why did Rmala Aalam hijack legends not belonging to her culture and religion

RA is from an Urdu speaking family originally coming from what is today India. She is not from a white Persian origin as are the communities she is fighting against. She considers herself as having a “brown skin.” Why a non-Persian person being “not theirs”, as she pretends, needs to hijack Chapursan Wakhi legends against Chapursan Wakhi people of Persian origin? Here is the answer.
“Trouble with being a brown woman is that there are so few narratives in your language by your people for people of your backgrounds and minds... there is so little to build upon and relate to".

1.3. Assembling the patchwork to build a tale

Readers of this tentative explanation might have considered it insane. Doubts are perfectly understandable. Moreover, they are mandatory in such an irrational universe. Readers are encouraged to face the challenge of going, by themselves, through RA's posts and comments, on her Facebook blog page. Ideally they should write their own demonstration and propose it in the comment box of this article. It might help to, may be, find a better key. For those who tend to believe RA's discourse, the major difficulty will be to resist to the emotion injected in her statements with the intention to burst the indignation part of the brain in the detriment of the rational one, while disconnecting the critical sense. Those who try to force themselves to stay rational, might also be outraged by what they could consider as cynical manipulations. Some of RA's statements are unfair. It is difficult staying calm and neutral. Repeatedly comes the temptation to give up the reading.

Ramla Akhtar:"I tell you why I am not a "good woman" who "makes peace". I did not come to this world for passing my time and to make peace".  "I came for SACRED DESTRUCTION, HOLY CATASTROPHE. I came to uproot the vile fruit, I came to turn the soil".  "I thought I fucked some prayer/chant up, and now I am seeing demons everywhere".
"I am not a good woman" - Source FB 
public Blog Page
"Black Mountain Dragon..."
As a result of a long travel in the maze of Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam)'s thoughts, it appeared that she does not need to have seen what she writes about Chapursan Valley. She does not even need to have heard about it. If it is in the legends, she can take it as a fact because it will fit with the narrative she decided to be the hero. In Chapursan myths she found the material “to build upon and relate to” as she said. It is obvious in numerous quotes of § 3.2. and § 3.3. Then, it is not possible to know if Ramla Akhtar is only a plagiarist or if what she read of the legends, is now part of her and considered as if it was an actual experience. Probably just a psychiatrist could be able to determine it. Whatever, the problem is that Chapursan legends do not give enough tangible information about the sins she wants to punish, even if they provide a story frame.

To complete the tale, RA will use her actual experience in Chapursan and distort it to make it in accordance with some parts of the legends. Then, it can explain her reactions to any question. While, when it is connected to her actual local experience, it “really” happened. Although it was different from the way she tells and exaggerate it, after a conscious decision or as a result of her imagination. Here too, just a psychiatrist can answer.

Eventually, while all of this is not enough, RA will enlarge her sources to other Central Asia regions and ethnicities before placing them into Chapursan Valley. The issue, there, is that she introduces non Persian traditions having not even a minor part of practice in the Valley, which she could have distorted or exaggerated. It does not work properly.

2. How an improbable scenario was promoted into the “real” life?

2.1. The accident which could have ignited the fission chain reaction

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aaalam, now that she broke with her «former-husband», she blames him for being a rapist and a pedophile. That's an accusation quite common in the sphere of social network trolls (See: Internet troll who branded innocent people paedophiles and terrorists convicted of harassment), in far right movements (See: How the alt-right wields and weaponises accusations of paedophilia) and in authoritarian political regimes (See: Russia brings new fabricated charges against historian of the Terror Yuri Dmitriev).
RA: acccusing a man on Facebook of rape
and paedophilia & denouncing a general
sex abuse conspiracy in a small moutain
Now that she broke with her «former-husband», RA blames him for being a rapist and a pedophile. That's an accusation quite common in the sphere of social network trolls (See: Internet troll who branded innocent people paedophiles and terrorists convicted of harassment), in far right movements (See: How the alt-right wields and weaponises accusations of paedophilia) and in authoritarian political regimes (See: Russia brings new fabricated charges against historian of the Terror Yuri Dmitriev). Because this kind of accusation is so shocking that it never needs to be supported while it is a tool for enflaming fanatism. It can be a way to get people jailed, wounded, or killed without any trial. The person accused is, for the crowd, already guilty before being judged (See Tom Hanks: Crying "Pedophile" is the oldest propaganda trick in the book). If not dead, the charged person and his family will have to live permanently with what could be an unjustified shame. Lives  (See: Dad 'Driven To Suicide' By Facebook Trolls Over False Paedophile Claims), families (See: Sick American troll wrecked lives by accusing innocent Greater Manchester families of being paedophiles and child groomers) and communities (See Outreau: Rough justice and shattered lives) have been broken.

Ramla Akhtar (Aka Rmala Aalam), Myrian Badaoui?
Myriam Badoui who led numerous people
to jail and broke many 
lives with false
of a paedophilia conspiracy
in a local community
It is unfrequent that women are accused of paedophilia or rape. Most of them don't know the devastation these accusations can create as can't imagine those who just encourage these speeches with no evidences. Myriam Badoui is one of the most famous false accusers in recent history. Fortunately, death penalty does not exist anymore in France. People unjustly condemned have been released after a couple of years, while Badaoui has been convicted of forgery. (See: Six cleared in child sex case). Then, before agreeing with rape accusations, it is mandatory to act carefully with circumspection. Especially when these accusations are motivated by an intention of harm, a revenge wish or a mental disorder. Then, when making such statements (which anyway should not be made public) it is highly suspicious to just answer by additional slanders and hate speeches.

Rape or pedophilia accusations have, also, the precious advantage of making a suspect from a person, especially a man, revealing contradictions or even expressing doubts regarding some aspects of the narrative. It contributes to isolate the victim of the threat (here the person accused) In this article it will be evidenced this “advantage” is fully exploited.

Because he opposed the delivery of French military invasion vessels for a country breaching internal laws,  the author was under the fire of infuriated French far right trolls under the accusations of being a pedophile supporting the alleged "neo-nazi Kiev junta". He knows what is facing harassment, psychological stress, night insult phone calls, explicit phoned and written threats of violence, devastated reputation on internet, shame and fear. Having being alerted about the hate speech against mountain Ismaili Wakhi communities (Se § 4.2.5) he decided to bring his unintentionally inherited counter-troll skills and his ground experience of Hunza in order to audit Akhtar-Aalam's case and to help those who don't want it to become a new Badaoui's one in, how Akhtar calls it, «a land as explosive as Pakistan».

Please note that no other external witness has been requested by the author to confirm or to deny the statements pronounced by RA. The rational for this is to respect the private life of all people, including victims (if any), to not add rumors and distrust to what appears to be a racist campaign of hate against a small community and to not interfere with the justice work (if any). Moreover there are no big doubts that this kind of questioning, forcibly by a foreigner, might not be appropriate as are illegal RA's defamatory posts on her Facebook blog page. Eventually collecting local testimonies would have been an evidence of being part of the conspiracy she denounces, being on order and protecting the people she decided to punish. Last but not least, it would have been irresponsible to spread bad buzz and defamation rumors asking, from France, numerous people. It would have been acting as an active agent of a slanderous campaign, promoting a hate speech which should be rolled back. Notwithstanding the fact that going through the obscure Akhtar's plethoric production was, by itself, a heavy challenge. Then, this analysis which is just the first step of Akhtar case, was contained to her writings.

On her publication, or via private messages to the author, RA has not been able to prove her allegations of rape and pedophilia. It should be mentioned that to support her accusations of pedophilia and rape which are the keys of her “good faith”, RA made public screen captures of an internet conversation she stole from the computer of her “former-husband.” This stolen conversation might be a joke and a mutual provocation between her “former-husband” and the other person. It might not be appropriate. I might be stupid. It might be the expression of a displaced seniority and male arrogance. I might hurt the extreme Puritanism claimed (but only claimed, see below) by RA who illegally made these captures and distributed them. But it is, in no way, a proof of a crime neither it is an indication the second person of the conversation was in danger. Additionally, there were no exchanges of pictures either erotic or not. Although it is probably illegal to make them public, these captures are no proof. Moreover the extreme Puritanism showed by RA is fake and motivated by the wish to harm her target. On line conversations, much more challengeable according to “her standards” than the conversation she produced, are one of her habits as she publicly posted on her blog page.
“Now tell you what I have been online since 1998. And God be my witness... I have done plenty of shitty and creepy things. And for some crazy reason (people say it is Sufi thing overload) I have geen particularly shitty since about 7 years. But none of those conversations led to or were based on anything REAL. I never even met most people I am connected with.”

Regarding RA's hate speech against Chapursan Valley people, her licentious “confession” shows the questionable character of most of her oriented statements. Moreover, Sufi followers may consider the way RA uses religion to excuse herself for relaxing with “shitty and creepy things” as not appropriate. For any follower of a monotheist religion, using God as a witness for “plenty of shitty and creepy things” would not be acceptable either.

Except for the stolen screen captures, RA does not produce any external support.

2.2. The questionable unverifiable assertions and the weakness of double checked claims

For someone having been in the region Rmala Aalam talks about, and knowing some people she mentions, what is verifiable is often inaccurate, exaggerated or wrong. Assertions presented as unquestionable facts sometimes reveal themselves to be only assumptions. Then, it is impossible to determine what is true and what is wrong in her assertions made without evidences, based on words of mouth or substantiated by a partial information taken out of its context, when it is not just legend extrapolations. This lack of method, this confused presentation focused on emotion and its impact on the readers is not a demonstration. The quest for immediate celebration from a subjugated and remote Facebook audience is detrimental to the achievement of Ramla Akhtar officially proclaimed goals. It will be explained later why it is possible to understand Ramla Akhtar's followers are from different places and ethnicities than the minority being under her accusations.

2.3. The flight into a trolling way

Being different, each contradictor can be suspected, by her, of racism (and of sexism, if a man). Then, none of her writings are potentially challengeable. It is an opportunity for her. It is also an important weakness while she considers, she doesn't need to support her assertions by actual tangible facts. It leads her to obvious self-contradictions – unless she can turn her audience into a fanatic one, subject to the fact this audience does not know the legends.
“PART of me stares at reality but there is enough circus to distract me. People who call me negative and people WHO JUST ASSUME I MUST BE TALKING SHIT BECAUSE I AM THE COLOR OR CAST OR SECT OR RELIGION OR NATIONALITY I AM. I have seen people assume ALL SORTA THINGS because I am me".
RA shows that her racism invocations are not only used against foreigners but also against other Pakistani people (Note BG: it can clearly be Hunza Ismaili people). Meanwhile, she produces a piece of conspiracy. There is a racist pact. It is not a written pact. The “proof” it exists comes from the fact there is no evidence for it. It is an “unspoken pact”.
"You see, these people who lie and pretend that people of my sect are abusing them or whatever... they are fucking toxic racists (when the case is that we haven't done what we are accused of; obviously wjenever whoever dies an ill deed it is an ill deed.. PERIOD). They have an unspoken pact TO NEVER HELP A MUSLIM PAKISTANI NOT OF THEIR OWN KIND... period".
Rmala Aalam cannot stand the fact that some people don't agree, up front, with her speech. Instead of trying to convince, it makes her nervous and aggressive. She is ready to fight any contradictor using defamation, harassment, xenophobia, calumnious denouncement, separatism accusations, false testimony in addition to racism denunciation. The fight against contradictions will supplement her scenario and will open new chapters of her victimization narrative. These contradictions will be an opportunity to tease the emotions of her followers calling to their impulses. They will also be an evidence of an international conspiracy against women. RA charges her contradictors for acting on command of real or supposed sexual harassers and rapists.

3. The conspiracy theories and the negative speech about the Wakhi minority

3.1. Female tourists being “exploited” without knowing it because of hypoxia acting like alcohol

3.1.1. A culprit: altitude sickness

To support her prosecution address, in the absence of external evidences, Ramla Akhtar pretends to have identified a large local conspiracy added to the international male traveller ones. For giving credit to such a statement despite, the lack of witness, she uses a trick. She says female tourists have been “exploited” without knowing it because of the altitude. In other words, these foreign ladies do not know they have been sexually “exploited”, but Ramla Akhtar knows it. The “demonstration” deserves some attention.

“Funnily enough some of the affects of such disorientation can be quite pleasing as the victim doesn't realize they are dying or getting affected. They feel it as a pleasant sensation (because the soul begins leaving the body and the feeling is sensational and quite pleasing to some) ... and thus is why at high altitudes some travelers or mountaineers will openly walk to their death or some other danger EVEN IF SOMEONE TRIES TO STOP THEM. Once again that is because the soul finds death quite pleasing and thus tries to continue to exit the body... undertaking actions that will endanger or kill the host/body/human.”
“The affect is similar to being drugged.”
Some people on such altitudes understand this phenomenon all too well; and use it to exploit guests. It is very similar to the act of mixing drugs in the drink of a person and using them when they are giddy."
"Only that here the thin oxygen and pleasing surrounding act as a natural stimulant/relaxant and drug. Fits of laughter and crying, altered memories, and so on is extremely common... one reason is the emotional overwhelm of being in pristine surroundings».
It is, of course, a non sense. Hypoxia doesn't work like that. “Symptoms include a headache, fatigue, stomach illness, dizziness, and sleep disturbance.” The highest village of Rmala Aalam “testimonies” is 3 300 m high as it will be explained. If people suffer from hypoxia, they do not lose consciousness except at an extreme altitude, thousands meters higher, close to the death zone due to lungs and cerebral edemas. Though, in the death zone, libido is probably very low while the body focuses on surviving, without mentioning the cold and the numerous layers of clothes. Except in erotic phantasms or dreams, it is difficult to see, at such an altitude, the “open-air fuckhouse” RA denounces, as it will be showed subsequently in this article.

Each person living in the mountains will not believe this text. Presenting such, an altitude conspiracy might indicate “Dragon Soul” followers are not from Hunza. They are from lowlands. The following statement is a perfect manipulation of an audience which cannot understand and has, then, an excuse for not questioning what it is believed in. It will be a matter of faith in their preacher.
“People who live on low altitudes will NEVER UNDERSTAND IT”

3.1.2. A generalization of a distorted personal experience?

There is no altitude conspiracy of course. To not add confusion to the confusion, assumptions of the article author are clearly marked as assumptions. Here is one. Here above what we read might just be one unique very personal particular case when RA started to flirt with the married guide with whom she had her daughter. She tries to “explain” why she was not under control and why she could even not understand what was going on. The intention of this tortuous “exposé” could be to get rid of any responsibility for this affair and, if possible, make her partner guilty for some kind of perverse planned manipulation, crediting her quest for victimization. Additionally stating it is frequent, or even systematic, for all ladies staying in altitude gives more “value” to this “thesis.” Let's insist on the fact that RA was not a teenager at that time, of course. She was 33 years old. What happened to her was a clear, conscious and responsible decision. Most of the readers, like the author of this article, might disapprove the attitude of the married guide. It might influence the personal consideration they have for him. But there is no point for making any public communication about it. What happened was between two adult, consenting and responsible people. It is their private business only. Public statements should not be made about this affair from one of the two parties, especially if it is in a quest for a revenge, especially when it leads to the porn theatre built in the next paragraph.

3.2. Chapursan youngest kids and old people part of the local conspiracy

3.2.1. Forced blackout

According to RA, all male people of the valley are part of her conspiracy. Then, their testimonies are not acceptable even if it is to defend themselves. Being a foreigner, having staid in Chapursan valley, having been invited in numerous houses and in the school, having worked in the fields, having a sincere affection for the inhabitants of Zood Khun and Passu, having published in Passu Times, the Gojal media, the article author was a threat, evidently challenging RA's post reality “of men raping young girls openly”, of “open air fuckhouse”... It “explains” a particular no mercy fight back and relentlessness which went until the French Embassy, as it will be showed.

According to RA, all male people of the valley are part of her conspiracy. Then, their testimonies are not acceptable even if it is to defend themselves. Being a foreigner, having staid in Chapursan valley, having been invited in numerous houses and in the school, having worked in the fields, having a sincere affection for the inhabitants of Zood Khun and Passu, having published in Passu Times, the Gojal media, the article author was a threat, evidently challenging RA's post reality “of men raping young girls openly”, of “open air fuckhouse”...
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, fires foreigners
Actually the article was not any promotion, these were some suggestions based on local discussion with local professionnal people. "Some reflections about the development of a responsible and community based tourism in Hunza Valley, Pakistan". It was not, of course, a paid article,as "Passu Times" can confirm. Nine articles, without counting this one, have been published about Hunza.

Local people trying to counter a hate speech against their community are accused of interfering into justice course and are threatened of being legally implicated while supporting a “criminal.” Let's remember that “criminal” is not the proper word, here. It doesn't result from a justice condemnation but just from accusations posted on Facebook by a private person. What RA calls “meddling into the justice course” is questioning a public hate speech on Facebook. There is a large confusion to address in this case.
Local people trying to counter a hate speech against their community are accused of interfering into justice course and are threatened of being legally implicated while supporting a “criminal.”
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, fires locals
This forced blackout is not only an additional indicator of the weakness of the accusation. On a financial audit point of view, the lack of transparency raises questions, knowing that Ramla Akhtar-Aalam asks for public financial supports via crowdfunding requests. The audience emotion instead of a rational behavior could be promoted in order to receive payments made on impulsion. The fund raising method is doubtful. Additionally, concerns about the use of such funds can be expressed. Are they actually invested in the announced projects or are they personally misappropriated? These two issues might request further investigations.

3.2.2. Improperly dramatized environment presentation

Ramla Akhtar mentions a village. It is Zood Khun (3 300 m) in Chapursan Valley. It is remote like every place in the world depending from where you look at it. The first next village (Shitmerg) is extremely close, as is the second one (Kampeer Diyor) etc. They are in Chapursan valley spreading over 80 km with 11 villages linked via a rough road to the famous Karakoram Highway.
Zood Khun, Chapursan Valley, houses not far from each other. People see each other from the different properties.
(five people in the foreground)

“Now understand this is a VERY remote region at high altitude.... with houses far from each other...
The village mentioned here is Zood Khun (3 300 m). It is remote like every place in the world depending from where you look at it. The first next village (Shitmerg) is extremely close, as is the second one (Kampeer Diyor) etc. They are in Chapursan valley spreading over 80 km with 11 villages linked via a rough road to the famous Karakoram Highway.
Zood Khun is a populated mostly flat village with quite a good number of houses. They are not far from each other. Properties are separated by low dry stone walls. There are no green hedges. Only high poplars with a few low branches climb to the sky. There are no fruit trees. Because they are oases, the inhabited areas are small patches of the land. Then, there, the population density is significant. There are people everywhere. Women, men, children are always going in and going out of houses. It is not like the empty western states countryside over kilometers where you just see, sometimes, a car on the road. Everybody walks by foot. Everybody lives in front of the eyes of other people. Anonymity is impossible.
It is the highest village of the valley. But it is not the “death zone” as explained above. More information about Zood Khun can be found in the article: ”At the knot of past empires: Zood Khun, a Wakhi village in the high northern mountains of Pakistan”. To summarize, what is written, here, by Ramla Akhtar is not accurate. It cannot contribute to her “demonstration” that sex harassers could enjoy hidden impunity.

Zood Khun, Chapursan Valley, the village under Ramla Akhtar's hate speech. A little girl with two older ones coming back from school According to Ramal Aktar, Rmala Alaam, "houses (are) far from each other...”
Zood Khun, Chapursan Valley, a little girl with two older ones coming back from school
According to Ramal Aktar, Rmala Alaam, "houses (are) far from each other...”

“Before that the closest phone was 4 hours away in the border town of Sost, also a highly-incriminable region legendarily unsafe for all but hardy males) the host would overcome and overwhelm female travelers.”
This information about Sost is not correct, either. Sost and the Karakoram Highway are not 4 hours from Zood Khun, the last village of the valley, but 3 hours. Of course there can be a landside or a broken bridge, but then it is much more than 4 hours. Nowhere it is said that Sost is “legendarily unsafe.” It is just a small and boring border town. There are thousands of more dangerous places in Pakistan and in the world.
No need to run for a distant phone house in case of problems. The Jamat Khana of Zood Khun is in the middle of the village. It could be a perfect shelter in case of an unforeseen personal safety emergency. By the way, there are many good people and ladies in the village ready to help in case of RA's phantasmagoria scenario. “Targets” are not left alone with a predator at 4 hours of any civilization. It is just a false information.

3.2.3. Rmala Aalam's theater

“His ENTIRE family/clan is part of the scam including kids and nieces and nephews and wife and mom. They play the part of lovely family while he lures the target in. They are not at fault per se but I just want you to know that they are used by him to lure you in. Next I will share more about family members so you can stay away from them if you meet them in Islamabad and Karachi where they operate to lure tourists back to homee".
According to the “Wounded Mystic”, quiet family atmospheres are displayed to lower the prudence of the female visitors targeted, exposing them, defense less, to the Wakhi male predators. In other words the more these houses are warm, hospitable and peaceful, the more it is a “proof” of a sex conspiracy and a sophisticated trap. This is a smart demonstration to support the lack of evidence. But it does not make sense. Based on a personal experience, it is possible to say you feel very good in Zood Khun houses. Everybody is nice and smiling. Kids are adorable and very polite, at home, at school or outside. People just show themselves as they are. They are good, educated and respectful people. Everybody including the youngest ones speak a very good English. Because tourists are very few, inhabitants are happy to talk with them and, of course, absolutely ready to help. All of this general kindness was not, for sure, made to lure a 56 years old male independent traveller with the intention to rape or sex abuse him. However, it is what was observed. It means it is not staged just to lure ladies. If this atmosphere makes a visitor, accustomed to more aggressive and dangerous environments, to relax and to lose all of his (her) self control, it is not the fault of this innocent population. It is the own decision of the visitor.

Talking about Karachi and Islamabad is not relevant either. It is just an excuse to revenge and to spoil the reputation of the young family members studying or working there. Foreigners visiting Zood Khun come for the mountains. They don't visit Karachi which is far away, at the opposite side of the country, on Indian Ocean. There are no foreign tourists to lure by Hunza in Karachi. Probably Rmala Aalam interprets, here also, her own experience. She was 33 years old when she decided to left Karachi for Hunza. No generalization and accusation like this one can be pronounced based on one exception, especially if it refers to someone with mental disorders. As she wrote. She had:“Nervous breakdown at age 33... continuing to this day... “

Then, what should be clearly understood, and it is in not an assumption at all, Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam) expresses clearly her intention, in her vengeance plan, to spoil the reputation of young people (including children) “shar[ing] more about family members”, external to her personal case, generalizing the slander scope to the community, showing, once again, it is not a “private affair between two people”. It looks like a minority persecution scheme. The attention of the community leaders and of the local authorities is solicited so that they take the full mesure of the psycholgical and social impacts of Akhtar's plan on young people and on their future. Without knowing the Pakistani legal environment, it is difficult, for a foreigner, to know if RA's action would be illegal. The author can just mention that, in Europe, it is absolutely clear that making public the name and photos of children belonging to the family of a man, accused (right or wrong) or condemned for rape, would be immediately and severely prosecuted. Someone having some Pakistani legal background is welcome if he wants to give information by message or with the comment box below.
“The fact is that there is an open air fuckhouse in here. Treachery and debauchery is a VALUE. Loyal person are laughed at, ridiculed, punished.Meanwhile... the whole valley and the people in the tourism business know the secret. The unsuspecting traveler is running around like a mouse amongst cats. Everybody knows but nobody tells them".

This is an over-exaggeration and systematization of, possibly, some particular cases (like everywhere in the world). Though if a lady decides (meaning not forced) to have an affair with a guide, it is her problem. It is not Ramla Akhtar's problem. Moreover, this Puritanism is obviously staged knowing that she had an affair with a married guide, got a baby from him and is used to “shitty and creepy things” on internet (see § 2.1.).
"(Trust me their focus will be "why were you cursing" not "why our our men raping young girls openly; and tour guides are selling their guests to whoever they please while local authorities cover up everything".)"
Does it need any comment? If Ramla Akhtar has any evidences, it is her duty to report to the police or directly to the prosecutor. If not, it seems she should be reported and condemned for such a slanderous speech. This is, additionally, racism from her over a minority. It is suggested to try to imagine what would be Pakistani reactions if a foreigner would publicly write such a lie. 

One of the evidences that Ramla Akhtar is in a mental confusion is here. She writes that all the Chapursan Valley is part of a sex conspiracy. However, later she mentions that she can recommend totally safe guesthouses and guides in the same valley. “There are other guesthouses now which are run by safe respectable families. WE WILL BE GLAD TO RECOMMEND SAFE, NEAT, RESPECTABLE GUESTHOUSES AND GUIDES IN THE VALLEY.”
“Forcing travelers one way or another into drugs and sex and giving paid entertainment to male guides is a time-honored tradition.... and damn you if you don't abide. THE ONLY TIME IT WON'T HAPPEN IS WHEN YOU ARE WITH A GROUP OR CLEARLY SOME SORT OF MEDIA/INTERNET PERSON. Even then, their itch is strong and they are hoping to rip your well-guarded neck off and assault you most brutally.... they just CAN'T, that is the problem.”
In this quote the hate speech on Wakhi community, culture and tradition is unspeakable. Please, read carefully. All individual lady travelers are systematically drugged and forced to sex by Wakhi guides. Why? Because it is a “time-honored tradition.” A tradition?! Just imagine here too, a foreign tourist writing this insult. Would not any Pakistani legitimately complain for an intolerable racism? This new disinformation is from Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam), who accuses foreign contradictors for being racist because she has a “brown skin”, as she says.
«Men even in their 80's demand hosts to hand er the guest to them for the night. Women of these regions are part of the game; they cooperate to provide booty to males. Like in a movie from some crazy remote century.... if it were possible they would abduct you and throw you in a den of males aged 15-95.»

Neither by local personal observations, neither by any reliable sources, it is possible to confirm this racist statement
«Demanding tourists and travelers to just SURRENDER is an actual fucking thing and COUNTLESS women have been put in compromised positions and sometimes "rescued" by ally parties in the nick of time or just after...”

Where are these countless ladies? It is a mystery. By the way, there are no countless foreign tourists (male or female) traveling alone in Pakistan. Moreover they are all strongly connected as explained above. A countless figure of abused ladies would have exploded on Facebook.

3.2.4. Unwanted other testimonies

“I laugh with tears when I read dreamy (false) blogger accounts of "tourism in Pakistan". LOL.” 
Yes, there are questionnable and narcissistic videos like the ones of Eva Zu Beckers (below).

There are also some blogs where pictures show that Pakistan is just the background as is the one of "Rosie Gabrielle, A Canadian Biker Visiting Pakistan, Is Falling In Love With The Country, One City At A Time". But it would be to be a mistake to make a general rule from interpretated isolated and distorded cases, like Rmala Aalam sytematicaly does. There are foreign ladies actually traveling independently in Pakistan without "security and a team of male guards who remain out of picture in fake bloggers' reviews”.

In this article, Is it safe for women to travel in Pakistan?”, it is said: 
“If you want to avoid hassle as much as possible, stick to traveling up north. Gilgit Baltistan [where are Hunza and Chapursan] has a large Ismaili Muslim community, and they’re renowned for being relatively liberal in their views of women. In my experience, men in GB are much less creepy on average, and you’ll get a lot less unwanted attention there as the region is relatively used to foreign female travelers.” 
Here below is a 2018 interview of a German female tourist made by Liaqat Hussain Shahab the manager of Old Hunza Hotel in Karimabad (Central Hunza Valley). This young lady explains why, for her, Hunza is a great destination for external visitors.

Annelie Persson Bäck is an additional well known lady, who already traveled alone numerous times across Pakistan, including Hunza.  These independent ladies are not naïve. Like many other people, they say some precautions must be taken and some relevant behaviors must be adopted in conformity with the local culture and religion. But they don't report the sex hell described by Ramla Akhtar and even not speak about particular dangers in Chapursan. Eventually, the most relevant testimony is from the wife of the famous photographer, Matthieu Paley (See: Mountains - The Hunzakuts). Both of them visited Zood Khun annually, since 2003 and over a decade. Here is an article about Chapursan, Zood Khun and weddings by Mareile Paley. What makes Mariele Palley's testimony more valuable is the fact that she probably attended the same local weeding than the one observed by Akhtar. This wedding experience distorted and made a general «tradition» is one of the core substances of the narrative. The German guest, Mss Paley, just mentions a joyful event. In august 2018 the author was received in the cousins house of the man accused by Akhtar. One of the young ladies said: «You know, Mathew (sic) and his wife attended a wedding in our home? We love them so much. They are part of our family.» To know these actual women reports it is important to look for tangible information and not to focus on what make the buzz.

As far as drug is concerned, this was never mentioned locally by any traveller. Although it was reported in the Passu Times by the school head teacher who wrote an article  about the Face Mela festival (pictures here). He says someone complained about drug used by some people. However, these people were domestic tourists (i.e. Pakistanis coming from outside the valley). Being on site, all the festival long, the author did not personally observe drugs. He still questions this feedback.

Children of the village medium school at Passu Face Mela
Children of the village medium school at Passu Face Mela

Regarding internet it should be highlighted, there is no updated travel book for Pakistan like the Lonely Planet one. The number of independent foreign tourists is very small. Then everybody plans his trip according to information shared on two or three major Facebook groups like “The Karakoram Club” or "Backpaking Pakistan"  and ground sourced travel blogs. Tourism in Pakistan is much more based on internet and Facebook than many other destinations. A sex abuse, people forced to drug, girls sold on the market or at a shrine (!)... would make an international giant bad buzz and would immediately backfire. No need to be “a sort of media/internet person” to be safe. There is no omerta between foreign travelers. Then, what would mean a local omerta? The tourist business is so difficult in these years that every Pakistani professional simply can't afford this kind of risk.

3.3. Wakhi ladies in a Middle Ages confinement

Passu, Gojal, Upper Hunza - Local Wakhi young ladies at the Face Mela - Some commentators from Pakistan could not believe they were locals. It illustrates the culture gap which allows an audience to believe Ramla Akhtar tales
Passu, Gojal, Upper Hunza - Local Wakhi young ladies at the Face Mela - Some commentators from Pakistan could not believe they were locals. It illustrates the ignorance and the culture gap which allows fanatic speeches against this minority  

Though more improvements can certainly be done, every person having an actual knowledge of the region can notice Wakhi ladies have more freedom than in most of other parts of Pakistan.
Gohar Abbas is a Wakhi. He grew up in Gulkin, Hunza. Now, he works for the Agence France Presse (AFP) in Islamabad. He published, in 2018, the article: Heaven and hell”,  In London, this article won, in the category “Travel and tourism story of the year” at the Foreign Press Association (FPA) Media Awards (considered as Oscars of Journalism). Below is a quote from this paper.
“I am a minority in Pakistan, the country where I was born and grew up, and I often cannot relate to the people and the customs around me -- from interactions with women to the drinking of alcohol."
"When I was a child, I didn’t feel the difference that much because everyone in Hunza and the surrounding towns are Wakhis, a people scattered around the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China and Pakistan. Everyone spoke Wakhi, everyone practiced the Ismaili version of Islam. But once I went to college in Karachi, the differences were hard to miss. At home, boys and girls studied together (according to our tradition, if you have a boy and a girl and only enough money to educate one of them, educate the girl), the girls didn’t have to cover their hair, women and men prayed together in prayer halls (Jamat Khana), there were no muezzin calls to prayer, and we would drink homemade alcohol."
"But now the muezzin woke me up in the morning, there were no girls in my classes, the ones on the street had their hair covered, I could only pray with men in mosques, alcohol was strictly forbidden. I felt like I was in a different country."
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим). I am a minority in Pakistan, the country where I was born and grew up, and I often cannot relate to the people and the customs around me -- from interactions with women to the drinking of alcohol."  "When I was a child, I didn’t feel the difference that much because everyone in Hunza and the surrounding towns are Wakhis, a people scattered around the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China and Pakistan. Everyone spoke Wakhi, everyone practiced the Ismaili version of Islam.
Pakistani patriotism and pride of Wakhi young ladies

It doesn't refrain RA, a “national-foreigner”, to bid higher in racism and make readers believe Wakhi ladies are under a primitive oppression.
“I seriously mean it.... picking up women right off the field for raping or "marrying" is an actual fucking TRADITION! If you don't believe me just look up documentaries on "marriage" in Central Asia!"
"Hold on let me look them up for you."
<a couple of minutes of googling...>
"Here you go, friends!"
"((See photos... and next time, just ask locals.))"
"Bride kidnapping is a thing!"
"Old men trying to be the first to rape a virgin teen girl is a THING!!
YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL YOU SEE IT but you better believe the craziness that exists "
"If you come to these regions and say WOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON they respond HOW DARE YOU COME TO OUR REGION AND CHALLENGE OUR **TRADITIONS**. Open sex hunts are ACCEPTABLE here and you will not believe it until you see it... the indescribably CRAZY realities of the world!!
Kyrgyz children in the Jailoo of Zarburuliuk,  Alt 4,150 m, near Rangkul, Pamir, Tajikistan.  Cover of a Russian NGO Brochure,  photo by Bernard Grua
Kyrgyz children in the Jailoo of
Zarburuliuk, Alt 4,150 m, near
Rangkul, Pamir, Tajikistan.
Cover of a Russian NGO Brochure,
photo by Bernard Grua 
The “demonstration” is of bad faith. It is possible to understand from Rmala Alam that Wakhi people, are not real Pakistani. Their northern part of Pakistan is in Central Asia that's why, according to her, they behave as she said. To support her statement RA has a “proof”: the way women are treated in different countries of Central Asia.
The first link proposed refers to former soviet Central Asia countries: mostly Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan “Violence against women in Central Asia alarms activists”. Tajikistan is also mentioned. However, it is not possible to know if the problem is in mountainous Pamir or in the rest of the Tajik country. There is absolutely no mention of Pakistani Hunza in this article.

The second link is more radical: « A Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan Ends in a Young Woman's Death ». It talks about the death, in a police station, of a young Kyrgyz lady in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. It is difficult to believe that someone living, like RA, in Hunza does not understand how inappropriate is this demonstration unless the confusion is made purposely. Between Zood Khun and Bishkek (North of the country), there are Afghanistan, Tajikistan (Pamir) and Kyrgyzstan. It is however, just the smallest part of the ignorance or of the manipulation. According to personnal experiences and traveler reports, Pakistani Police can compare with British Police. Though the last one will not offer you tea, coffee or even meals. Comparing the Pakistani Police with the corrupted one from former soviet Central Asia states is a non-sense. Pakistani people would be right feeling offended. It is not all. Wakhi people and language are Persian. Kyrgyz ones are Turkic. Wakhi people are Ismaili. Kyrgyz people are Sunni. Chapursan Valley and Sost are in Pakistan. Kyrgyz people do not live in Pakistan.  To make sure, the forged message is understood, RA post screen captures about Kyrgyzstan.

Ramla Akhtar  (aka Rmala Aalam) uses Kyrgyz forced wedding to illustrate Wakhi women conditions
Ramla Akhtar  (aka Rmala Aalam) uses Kyrgyz forced wedding to illustrate Wakhi women conditions

Kyrgyz confusion was not enough. Wakhi people are like cannibals.
« All fun and games when you watch it on TV but not so much fun anymore when you are the equivalent of Johnny Depp as a pirate, being hauled off by cannibals.
Shit. Just. Gaat. Reeaaaalllll!!!! »

After such her unfair biased demonstration ignorant followers are ready to agree about girl rapes, about girls sold in Sost bazaar and at the saint Baba Ghundi shrine. Then the hate speech can goes on while fitting with the narrative.
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, exposes girl are raped at Saqafat (festival when herds return to the valleys from altitude pastures) in adding girls are sold in Sost bazaar and the shrine of the holy Baba Ghundi
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, exposes girl are raped at Saqafat
(festival when herds return to the valleys from altitude pastures)
in adding girls are sold in Sost bazaar and the shrine of the holy Baba Ghundi

That's enough for the “Dragon Soul” to crucify a complete minority from her country.

3.4. Sectarian followers praise their hero

Who could believe such a general Sodom and Gomorrah scenario? The “Dragon Soul's” followers do. They even congratulate her for revealing this hidden truth.
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam's tale is praised by her worshippers We understand that this apocalyptic sexual theatre is not intended to protect any visitor. The actual goal of Rmala Aalam Facebook blog page is to spoil, in a revenge delirium, the reputation of an entire Wakhi community, one of the most peaceful, educated and friendly ones of Pakistan, and to mobilize fanatics against this community thanks to her hate speech for as she said, “sacred destruction” and “holly catastrophe.”
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam's tale is praised by her followers

We understand that this apocalyptic sexual theatre is not intended to protect any visitor. The actual goal of Rmala Aalam Facebook blog page is to spoil, in a revenge delirium, the reputation of an entire Wakhi community, one of the most peaceful, educated and friendly ones of Pakistan, and to mobilize fanatics against this community thanks to her hate speech for as she said (See § 1.1.), “sacred destruction” and “holly catastrophe.” Because she is not a "good woman" who "makes peace." For these fanatics, unfortunately, it works well.

Now, let's see how fanatism is fuelled, how objections are dumped.

4. Feeding the narrative and the followers

4.1. Censure and cooking contradictions, fake news building

  • The comments to Rmala Aalam's public posts are accepted only if they praise her. If not, they are deleted, which is rather classical. But it goes further. Before being deleted, screen captures are made.
  • Then, these screen captures are put altogether in new posts. They are out of context. Grouped screen captures of comments look like unsupported aggressive words while they are disconnected from the initial statements they reply to. The same captures are repeatedly used in several RA's posts contributing to the harassment window dressing.
  • Above the screen captures, is written a teasing text with unsupported assumptions, using slang, capital letters, emoticones. At first glance, the “Black Mountain, Dragon Soul” seems to quote her contradictors when she mentions their statements. Actually she changes the wording regardless if it is coherent with the captures showed below. In her text she adds insults: “ignorant... sexist... supremacist know-it-all... silly chauvinist... typical fashion of insecure frightened men... clueless citizen... loony... racist white Supremacist... hysterical clown... Mr-Superior-because-White... neither knows nor experience bullshit... poor guy... Weinstein... narcissist... buddy-of-criminal.. .insanity-men... assholes...” If not enough, she can also proceed to some makeup on the screen captures.
Consequently, it is turned into a fake news construction. The purpose is, here, to promote hatred against the contradictors while showing an apparently open debate. Though it presents the contradictors as harassers.

Because Rmala Aalam's case is a special one, it is not only about trolling. Except a useless stolen conversation (See § 2.1.), the "Wounded Mystic" scenario (See § 1.3.) lacks of external tangible confirmations to energize her speech. Hijacked screen captures of contradictors will support the indefensible assumptions she initially presented as facts.
"This is just the evidence I needed in order to show to public how a LIE is created, strengthened and perpetuated."

Then, extra ingredients are used for calling follower impulses.

4.2. Xenophobia as a mobilization tool

4.2.1. Ramla Akhtar and colonialism

For a better understanding it is reminded that colonialism is not only from a state to another state but it can be inside a same state. For example Algeria was an actual part of France. It was a French “département”. Though it was obviously managed on a colonial way. In Russia, it is the same, for example, regarding Yakutia which is a large Siberian region (numerous times Pakistan size) with a prodigious level of natural resources, although the colonial way it is run made the Yakut poverty rate higher than the average Russia's one from 2002 on. Both rates are constantly diverging since. In many aspects, Paris also acts on a colonial way in French provinces like Bretagne (Brittany). Regardless religion, extremism, separatism and terrorism considerations, it is a matter of fact, Beijing acts as a colonialist in Xinjiang. Population was over 90 % Muslim and Turkic in 1949. Muslims are now only 45 %. The rest being Han Chinese immigrants.

Ramla Akhtar presents a misinterpretation of colonialism when she over-uses this concept for teasing xenophobia. Many examples in this article show that it is relevant to talk about a colonial vision regarding this person in Hunza. Saying so, it is never suggested Akhtar represents any population except herself and some of her Facebook blog page's followers, obviously from a more Southern part of the country. Her insisting statements claiming the relevant denunciation of her attitude versus Hunza as blaming all Sindhi or all Punjabi people is not only irrelevant but can be considered as preaching for inter-community clashes. Based on her own words, the facts are: she is not from Hunza, she has hate speeches against people of Hunza, she ignores local traditions and makes fun of them, she slanders Hunza people, she tells lies about them.

4.2.2. Foreigners as collateral victims of the speech about Chapursan people

Readers react even more emotionally if xenophobia is instrumented to complete the anesthesia of their critical sense.
“One of their [the French embassy] clueless citizens was being stupid and favoring a RAPIST, and arguing with me while defending the said rapist.
I take no shit from foreigners who believe they can say or do WHATEVER to women of color."
"YOU SHOULD NEVER ENGAGE IN A SITUATION IN A FOREIGN LAND especially one as explosive as Pakistan and more especially WHEN YOU KNOW NOTHING and are a supremacist know-it-all."
"Nobody has a right to meddle in the private affairs of two Pakistanis without genuine cause."
"I batted this loony Bernard Grua OUT OF THE PARK for fukking with me. I dunno who he is but apparently some racist white Supremacist stuck in some past century with a colonial version of events”
RA never talks about the fact that the largest part of her writings targets a whole community. The so called "rapist" support she invokes is "the tree hiding the forest". It is just one of the reasons why her words are denounced. 

4.2.3. The way foreigners were purposely meddled in an international speech presented as a private case between two people

RA denies the “right” to any foreigner to get involved in what she says two Pakistanis private affair. However:
  • The “private” dimension of the Ramla Akhtar's case cannot be asserted.
  • The “Black Mountain Dragon” made it public.
  • Based on her text, it is not a case between two people but a case from a preacher against the people of a minority.
  • RA's posts are covered by the said intention to protect innocent female foreign travelers .
  • RA denounces foreign male travelers as covering a conspiracy of a local sex traffic.
  •  RA asked for the support of a Russian lady, Olga Leonidovna Ozerova aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия).  
All of this made what should, indeed, have been a private affair between two people, a— public — international — extremist case — involving the security of — local — and — foreign people.

4.2.4. At the origins of her radicalization, the paradox of a blogger revealing to be a stranger while denouncing foreigners

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aaalam considers by herself to be a foreigner in the valley. It is her own words. Through an obvious colonial speech, she says she is an “outsider”, from a “different race”, not belonging to the “tribe” which “hates her.” As a self-confirmed foreigner, and based on her own way of considering “meddling”, she should not be allowed to interfere in Chapursan Valley issues, if any.
RA, a warm lowlands women facing
winter Source FB public Blog Page:
"Black Mountain Dragon..."
It is important to notice the fact that Akhtar considers by herself to be a foreigner in the valley. It is not an invention of the article author. It is RA's words. Through an obvious colonial speech, she says she is an “outsider”, from a “different race”, not belonging to the “tribe” which “hates her.” As a self-confirmed foreigner, and based on her own way of considering “meddling”, she should not be allowed to interfere in Chapursan Valley issues, if any. As a consequence, this public case should never have been started.
"My kid doesn't look like me. You know why? Because her father is a different race and she more resembles him."
"I was hated minutes after I entered the valley first."
"Because an outsider."
"A Pakistani Muslim of another race and sect."
"Not one of theirs."
However, what says her friend Olga Leonidovna Ozera, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия),  in a message, from the past and from today is different, especially in what concerns the general hatred from the first day.
[Past]"She has perfect British accent, she clearly seemed rich to locals in Hunza, and she was single, she had perfect manners. She had her Internet shop where she was writing so lovely interesting things of her travels in Nepal, Turkey, Hunza. Obviously many men were attracted to her then."
[Now] "All Hunza knows the situation and most people there are on her side anyway, including shia community. And even famous Greg Mortenson is supporting her."

"She, Ramla Akhtar, has perfect British accent, she clearly seemed rich to locals in Hunza, and she was single, she had perfect manners. She had her Internet shop where she was writing so lovely interesting things of her travels in Nepal, Turkey, Hunza. Obviously many men were attracted to her then."
RA at a time she wrote
fairly about Hunza - Source public blog:
In a few words, Olga evidences Ramla Akhtar's radicalization, who wrote about her initial enthusiasm for Hunza in this article. The new mythological narrative (see § 1.3.) needs a rewriting of the past (“I was hated minutes after I entered the valley.”) and a hate speech against Chapursan people to punish their, according to her scenario, collective sins. This article and Olga's statement show that RA was welcome and was integrated. Then, she became an “outsider, not one of theirs”, an actual foreigner, based on her own initiative and on the drift to her myth of being a destruction missionary from her custom made religion. As far as “good manners” are quoted, they all look like lost in the past, if we judge by the style, the insults and the slang language. It is one of her numerous examples of a self-realization prediction, for the worst, as part of a victimization obsession. The local supports mentioned by Olga might not know the new turn of events.

4.2.5. How the speech about Chapursan was pushed to a foreigner?

As demonstrated above the xenophobia argument to deny a foreign contradiction is meaningless. Stays the question of how a French (actually a Breton from Bretagne) could land in RA's case? These posts were knownn on May 24, thanks to a Wakhi friend and a social activist from Reshit (Chapursan Valley)
As demonstrated above the Ramla Aalam's xenophobia argument to deny a foreign contradiction is meaningless. Stays the question of how a French (actually a Breton from Bretagne) could land in RA's case? These posts were knownn on May 24, thanks to a Wakhi friend and a social activist from Reshit (Chapursan Valley)
Alert received from Chapursan Valley about Ramla Akhtar hate
speech against Wakhi people and foreign visitors.

It doesn't make sense to be surprised that an active outraged community member wants to get comfort from a French friend who knows his community and showed respect to it (see links to different articles below). RA expresses a kind of authoritarian colonial double standards in a remote region, where she publicly agrees to be from “another race and sect. Not one of theirs.” Foreign support (Olga, a Russian lady) for an extremist attacking Chapursan is agreed, foreign support (the author, a Breton) for comforting Chapursan people is denied.
It should be mentioned again that no further contact with the man of Reshit or with any Wakhi person has been made until the publication of this article.

4.2.6. The foreign meddling concept is a distortion of the reality

There was actually no foreign meddling against this hate speech. RA xenophobic presentation is a fake news. The comments on the Facebook blog page were quickly deleted by RA, and nothing from the author of this article about this hate speech was posted anywhere else. Moreover, nothing was commented publicly or privately with local people including the man under the RA's accusations. Indeed, the goal was to challenge alone this hate speech and not to compromise anybody in RA calumnious denunciations before trying to find a proper solution. Especially because (real or not) crimes such as pedophilia and rape were invocated. This article is only based on RA's public texts.

To conclude about the “foreign meddling.” It is obviously a troll fake news. It was only created by RA cooking while she reposted numerous times the same screen captures with inflaming words in order to tease the xenophobia of her followers and to gain more support. But, it will change because the threat is still there and might grow while Akhtar rejected the plan proposed to come to an appeased debate and a regular judicial procedure. As a consequence, the relevant foreign meddling, initiated by RA, will soon be the realty. This article will be shared on foreign traveller forums as in Chapursan and Sost, RA's “highly-incriminable region legendarily unsafe.” No doubts, local slandered residents and people involved in tourism business will defend their reputation.

4.3. Victimization for being praised by followers

4.3.1. First hoax, a lonesome crusade against Pakistanis and foreigners

The “Wounded Mystic” shows herself as a victim. Her followers have to understand she is ready to sacrifice herself to their cause.
“So let's see what anyone does about it. (Knowing Pakistan, no one will do anything. They will only torture me, bullshit, make excuses, make threats, express disbelief, ask ME to run and hide and be silent -- which is kinda right bc who wants live with and talked to such a nation full of moral cowards --, make me sit and describe in delectable long details all tortures I know and have experienced... and so on..not a single maai ka laal will do anything.”
"I will be fucked oved for publishing this but here it goes."
"I take no shit from foreigners who believe they can say or do WHATEVER to women of color."
"I don't care if I go to jail for this."
"...being terrorized [by] this French clown, Bernard Grua #BernardGrua"
When the “Wounded Mystic” edited her publication she just put, above the previous text, its opposite, which denies it. 
"Relatives and allies of the accused must know that Pakistani laws and public are HIGHLY UNFAVORABLE towards girlchild rapists and monster tour guides and hosts who are harming national and foreign tourists. Therefore don't be stupid; do not make any attempts to harass or bully. There are 20 crore [?] people in Pakistan and you better not mess with justice. Take care."

4.3.2. Second hoax, a good lady abandoned, betrayed and abused, including by her family

The “Wounded Mystic” shows herself as hurt by life. In this article we see examples on how this person is putting herself in these situations, choosing the worst way when there could be an appeased one. Let's, have some quotes.  
“Left in foster care at age 4ish"
"Experienced sexual abuse from age 5-6."
"Being rejected by Mother upon being returned to her at age 10. Chapter of being loved by Mum... closed."
"Incestuous abuse at the age of 11 – 12"
"Losing repeatedly in love. Massive betrayal at age 25"
"All family migrates abroad... I am left alone, living in a remote village. LOL. Aren't my family precious... dumping me twice in my life to seek better opportunities for themselves. They say they "love" me but if I am assaulted by their lovely relatives then OK. No problemo!! "
Before going further, it must be noted that “left alone” and being “dumped twice” by her family differs from the reality. It was numerous times her personal decision to go to countries or places different from the ones of her family, as she writes in one of her public post.  
“By 2012 thr color from my face was draining when I heard my brothers planning about a life in North America. "There is no future!", I blurted".
"I packed for a remote region in a Muslim country... and tossed between Turkey and Morocco... Finally leaving for Turkey".
"I was back in Pakistan and I just wouldn't rest until I had gone to some mountain. I wanted to flee".
"In the morning my Mom heard the craziest thing she has heard me say when she saw me leaving on one of my several spontaneous journeys".
"Gotta flee once afain and leave THEM to their delusion”.

Ramla Akhtar: “By 2012 thr color from my face was draining when I heard my brothers planning about a life in North America. "There is no future!", I blurted".  "I packed for a remote region in a Muslim country... and tossed between Turkey and Morocco... Finally leaving for Turkey".  "I was back in Pakistan and I just wouldn't rest until I had gone to some mountain. I wanted to flee".  "In the morning my Mom heard the craziest thing she has heard me say when she saw me leaving on one of my several spontaneous journeys".  "Gotta flee once afain and leave THEM to their delusion”.
RA living in the south before 2013
Source, public blog:
As she explains, she got her baby in the family house of Faisalabad (Punjab). It was her decision to just have her mother and one uncle with her. Here too, she was not left alone.

In a private message, “Wounded Mystic” wrote she was a “virgin woman” until she had her sexual relation with this married man. At this time she was 33 or 34 years old. Then, what is it possible to understand about her previous sexual abuses? It might seem strange, but not from someone seeing dance as an offense on the same level than getting drunk. Below, with her phone call to the embassy, it will be possible to know what is her second meaning for “abuse.” It is “arguing.”
"I didn't drink and dance or did other crazy things (something which can get you under suspicion LOL)".
"The men have a peculiar dance and if you look closely... well it's what I call a peacock dance.... the "come to me woman" mating ritual dance".
"It's like walking into the materialization of some truly odd episode of National Geographic".
Followers of Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, impressed by her victimization speech
Followers of Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, impressed by her victimization speech

4.3.3. Third hoax, Cosette - Les Misérables

Her friend Olga in a private message inadvertently broke the Cosette's disguise. It is written in a materialistic post-soviet way of linking honor with wealth. Olga's words have to be replaced into their national environment and into her Eurasian culture, without presuming any malice and without judging on a liberal Western ideology. In Russia, rich and siloviki people are respected regardless their morality. (See the 2015 Nobel price Svetlana Aleksievich - “The Last of the Soviets »)
"Before she met him [the man with whom she got a baby] she hadn't have any affairs with men at all".
"As I said she is from quite a wealthy family and studied in private British school with all teachers being from UK".
"I also visited Ramla in her home city Faisalabad and guess that her family background is something more prosperous and wealthy than [the married man with whom she had sex] . And the shame [baby with extra-marital relations] laid on her [Punjab] family is greater than the whole shame and dishonor put on [the Wakhi man's] family".

5. The quest for extra material and the ultimate step

5.1. Private provocation and harassment to get extra material

Between Wednesday, May 29th (03:13) and Tuesday, June 5th (14:09) Rmala Aalam polluted my message box. (36 messages, 2 176 words). During 6.5 days, I did not answer. During 6.5 days, she harassed me. Here are a few examples of what she sent. Some of her message give interesting information about her vision. Answers were just written, here, to replace things in their context. Rmala Aalam, will see these comments for the first time

5.1.01. R.A.: More and more women and children should learn from example how men back each other up in raping and consider it no problem at all that their married male friends are assaulting whoever they please. So Mr. Grua whule we proceed please know that this conversation and your pro-rapist stance would be fully quotable.
→ B.G.: All that was written is fully quotable and was actually quoted by you, though on an unethical way see § 4.1. Everybody can recognize none of my texts are pro-rapist.

5.1.02. R.A.: Furthermore Pakistanis should know how traveling foreigner males are encouraging local male buddies to carry on
→ B.G.: This is a troll conspiracy theory (see above). Just a slander on all male foreign travelers visiting Hunza. In some countries because of people saying what you say, foreign visitors are stoned. It was a personal experience. You do not want foreigners in your current region. It is not the choice of local people who need them for sustaining their lives in their mountains. It is neither the choice of your state Government, nor the one of Gilgit-Baltistan administration.

5.1.03. R.A.: He [“former husband”] has instructed you to attack me, which, in the process also exposes his small child who I raise, a risk you are willing to take in order to tarnish me
→ B.G.: Assumption paused as a fact. Per purpose, there were absolutely no contacts with this man, as with any locals, since your posts where known. Only some people were tagged under your evaluation and comment posted on “Bernard Grua Photographe” page, see § 5.2. in order to get a more balanced evaluation from them. Actually, your evaluation was promptly deleted by Facebook moderators as breaking their standards. Then, local people have absolutely no ideas about this mutual arguing except through the reposts you decided to do on your Facebook blog page for which your are fully accountable. See also § 5.1.05.

5.1.04. R.A.: No need to answer. The answer is that you support your friend [“former-husband” and the person accused by her of rape]
→ B.G.: Unsupported assumption - See § 5.1.03.

5.1.05. R.A.: You are attacking me when I don't even know you
→ B.G.: I was not attacking anybody. In the opposite, I was just trying to help a peaceful community under a hate speech (you even ask me who is sleeping with whom. See § 5.1.06). You perfectly know I was just opposing your unfair posts that I read and that everybody can see on your sect Facebook blog page. As I wrote above, your posts have been brought to my attention by a member of Chapursan community facing your hate speech. See § 4.2.5. He is not the man you are directly and publicly accusing. You asked one Russian lady of your friends, Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, to support you. See § 4.2.3. With her, we made our best efforts to come to an appeasement. There was a proposal in order to go out of the scandal you initiated. It was fair. It was clean. It was open. Your friend recommended you to agree. It was your decision to give an irresponsible negative answer. Nobody else pushed you there. Nobody is attacking you. You are the one who put you (and many other innocent people) into troubles.

5.1.06. R.A.: You also wrote something I am not going to quote here right now. However that tells me that you are aware that your friend Mr.... is sleeping with his guests. Is that acceptable? Are you serious?
→ B.G.: First, as mentioned above, everything is quotable. Second, I don't know who is sleeping with whom today. I don't know who slept with whom in the past. I don't want to know. It is totally out of my social condition and ethics to talk about sexual life with anybody, including with Pakistani guides or with anybody else, including on the internet chats you are addicted to. Moreover, illegally spying sleeping rooms is not the business of foreigners. Even at your request. It is not your business, either. Though for someone who has been able to built a fake porno theater, like in § 3.2.3., everything is possible, it does not mean it is legal.

5.1.07. R.A.: Also you forgot that according to Muslim law a married person engaging in adultery is liable to death. Are you aware of this? Apparently not
→ B.G.: #extremism #fundamentalism #Taliban - Everybody knows these stoned to death ladies, even if they were innocent, in Kabul stadium “thanks” to informers or people looking for revenge. I know how extremists interpret a religion of peace for slaughters. That's the thought that came immediately to my mind (See § 4.2.5.) when, on May 24, I initially read your hate speech. Though, at that time, I warned you just because I considered it as irresponsible. After this long analysis work, I am, now, thoroughly convinced this is your actual goal. You want people stoned to death in Chapursan. That's the only reason which could explain your radicalization and your pornographic unsupported hate speech about this Valley. See § 3. This last sentence is not here to harass or to attack you. It is an information: “To whom it may concern”.

5.1.08. RA.: YOU JUST SUPPLIED EVIDENCE THAT [her target] IS SUPPORTED BY FORIEGNERS. I need to stop shaking and crying. THANK YOU... this is just what we needed.
→ B.G.: Unsupported assessments. If I supplied all evidence, why did you initially delete these evidences (my comments on your posts), just keeping your answers? I strongly demand you to stop promoting hate against foreigners, while they don't even know you are doing it. You are exposing them to a danger they are not aware of.

5.1.09. R.A.: Failing which, you are part of the crime.
→ B.G.: #extremism #fundamentalism #Taliban - Is that Taliban law? When was the so-called crime? When did I visit Pakistan? Five, ten, twenty years after? Do I obstruct Pakistani justice? No. Do I help an innocent community facing a personal revenge? I hope so.

5.1.10. R.A.: You are a white man, surely superior to us Pakistanis. Can you explain this?
→ B.G.: I am not able to understand how you can believe in this racist assumption detrimental to you and disrespectful for the Pakistani nation. It is contrary to all the articles I published, including on Pakistani websites such as Pamir Times and Passu Times. This is your own torment and your own mental complex. It is not a French nor a Pakistani issue. You wrote you are “not a good woman" who "makes peace." Then, any good person who makes peace is superior regardless race, religion, color and nation.

5.1.11.R.A.: You hate the people of Sindh, too, it seems.
→ B.G.: Unsupported assumption. No other people or ethnicity is blamed by anybody for your supposed origin as you repeatedly want to force this vision. You are the only one who is accountable for your hate speech. It is not an inter-community clash as you want to promote it. You are the “outsider” (your word) harassing a minority which welcomed you. Then, as far as I am concerned, there are numerous contrary examples to your assumption with many different ethnicities of Pakistan which will be too long to detail here.

5.1.12. R.A.: The embassy can call up local police and confirm everything. Then they can advice tou because you are not listening to me. I am hoping they will ask you NEVER TO FAVOR AN ALLEGED RAPIST-PEDOPHILE IN A FOREIGN MUSLIM COUNTRY.
→ B.G.: #extremism #fundamentalism #Taliban “You are not listening to me.” You are saying the harassment comes from you without any reaction from me.
It is difficult to admit the way an organizer of a custom made pagan black spiritualism religion (See § 1.) is trying to use Islam for her revenge. Muslims, Jews and Christians, we have the same God. Because He is Unique. When you offense the God of Islam, you offense the God of all of us.
“Rapist-pedophile” are not favored in any country either Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or animist.
It is not tolerable that an extremist teases any religious or satanic fanatism under a forged accusation. In Europe, everybody is entitled a fair trial so that an innocent is not condemned in place of a criminal, adding injustice to a crime. I don't know Pakistan laws, but I suppose, based on the professional behavior I saw from your police, it is the same. I also have in mind some courageous decisions of the President Imran Khan and of the Pakistan Supreme Court comforting the fairness of Pakistan state in contradiction with the statements of someone looking for a personal revenge. You confuse a “foreign Muslim country” (i.e. Pakistan) with an Afghanistan, under the criminal rule of Taliban. You should understand it is defamatory for your country and tarnishes its international reputation. It looks like you wish the Taliban rule for Pakistan. 
The legal consequences of your French embassy calls will be presented later.

5.2.The last public provocation slanders

Because of the lack of answers RA became more aggressive. She came to “Bernard Grua Photography” page to post the lowest possible review with a calumnious comment heading her screen captures. This Facebook module is well known for frequently being used by competitors or trolls like RA. For those who do not know it, it should be disclosed that a Facebook page manager cannot delete an evaluation neither delete a comment under this evaluation. Within a few days, Facebook moderators deleted this evaluation as contrary to internet standards.

Comment of Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, removed as contrary to Facebook standards
Comment of Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, removed as contrary to Facebook standards

While all message boxes were closed to her harassment, Rmala Aalam later came to another page and made there a new public defamatory review .

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, good summary of unsupported assumptions or consciously built fake information
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, good summary of unsupported assumptions or consciously built fake information

5.3. False testimony to French Embassy

According to her posts, Ramla Akhtar had several phone calls with the French Embassy.

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam false testimony to French Embassy N°1
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam false testimony to French Embassy N°1

Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam false testimony to French Embassy N°2
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam false testimony to French Embassy N°2
It is possible to read that despite her perfect British English, according to her friend Olga, Akhtar's spoke in a mental confusion so that it was difficult for the Embassy to understand her. These calls have a French legal definition. It is a “calumnious denouncement to a legal authority” (dénonciation calomnieuse). It is charged additionally with insulting a legal authority (outrage à l'autorité publique) via a “false testimony” (faux témoignage), another legal definition. It is punished by French law. Based on this paper, it is evident, in addition to her illegal statements, that RA is a radicalized religious (though, what religion is the question) extremist. This could lead to European visa ban.

5.4. Update 21/06/2019: actions planed for additional slanderous denunciations in pack and new false testimonies: Pakistani and French authorities, clients

On June 21st, Rmala Aalam explains a plan to harm Bernard Grua (owner of Best Inventory France) slandering him to his clients (attached to the post is a list of these clients) and denuncing him to French and Pakistani authorities. Here are some quotes of this post. For more details, please look at exhibit E4.
"WELL, are fighting back. We are already in touch with authorities (they are understaffed and dealing with a backlog of issues, but they KNOW) and additionally we will be reaching out to the partners and employers of this beast via Twitter, fax, email and phone to apprise them that one of their suppliers is engahed in trting to annihilate a woman overseas."
"I will ve speaking with the Pakistani Ombudsperson for Harassment of Women in Workplace. Her charter hopefully also deals with our situation."
"I will be writing to Pakistani Embassy in Paris letting them know that a French citizen has threatened to exile me from a Valley in Pakistan... and could they advise me on the legal constitution of such a threat? We will also copy to French Embassy and ask them if there is any sort of understanding between France and Pakistan whereby French citizen can come to sensitive areas and try to excite violence against a minority (where I live I am a minority." 
It was a good incentive to make what should have been done already. Today the Honorable Mr. Moin Ul Haque, "Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Paris", his Excellency, Monsieur Marc Baréty, "Ambassadeur de la République Française à Islamadand" and Ms. Kashmala Tariq, Federal Ombundsperson for Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace received the report. These messages were copied to the tourism departments of the Pakistan and Gilgit-Baltistan Governments. See exhibit E4.

Conclusion: what is true, what is a hoax, what is abuse, what is just revenge, what is mythomania?

“All that is excessive is insignificant” (Talleyrand). Ramla Akhtar's cannot be considered as a whistleblower while it is impossible to identify the real parts of her mystification and her reality show. As explained, her major aim is not to be factual. However, she can be acknowledged a real talent. Based on the same scenario she built, she could seriously publish a successful dramatic fiction book. Does it mean everything she writes is a lie? Probably not, and this is the core problem, while the confusion she brings, the fanatism she pushes, her irrational behavior, her appetence for confrontation and her quest for delirious conspiracy theories create a rejection detrimental to the search of the truth. Therefore, she is probably the best support of the rapists, if any, and of the sexual abusers she seems to denounce. Bringing discord, general suspicion and mutual distrust, she is their perfect smoke screen. She, shamefully, causes suspicion and discredit to the legitimate and necessary campaign for improving the women condition in the world and more specifically in her country. Then, her achievement can only compare with the one of expert professional trolls in charge of bringing social chaos. Chaos, being understood as her self attributed “hidden missions”, is what should be probably admitted until a more relevant key for such a confused personality, could be found, ideally with the help of psychiatrists and sexologists. Eventually, foreigners wishing to visit Pakistan, for their own security, may seriously ask themselves how many xenophobic preachers like Ramla Akhtar (aka Rmala Aalam) are haunting the country and what could be the influence of their extremist speeches on a crowd or an individual made fanatical 

Bernard Grua, Nantes, Bretagne, France - 14/06/2019

Discover Chapursan Valley and Northern Pakistan with Pamir Trails

Akhtar's case updates

November 6, 2019, update: Since the publication of this report, Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, continued her slandering and victimisatioon campaign on her different Facebook pages. On September 18, 2019, she launched a Twitter storm reaching as of today more than 130 posts with slanders, harassment, threats, calumious delations, while spamming NGO's, Police, Pakistan and France highest authorities (icluding President Macron). See the article : "Harassment and calumnious delation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019".

November 21, 2019, update: A complaint was filed in Nantes (France) High Court against Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, for her 296 harassment, defamationa and slanderous denounciations Tweets. See the details: "Submission of a complaint to the Public Prosecutor against Ramla Akhtar, the cyberstalker"

September 10, 2020, update: 

This report got 2,430 readers. It was shared 150 times on Facebook. It received 65 comments.

Here is an example on how Ms Ramla Akhtar contradicts this report.

More than one year after this report was written, Ramla Akhtar aka Rmala Aalam, proved to be a determined cyber stalker using of defamation, calumnious denunciations, doxxing, harassment, calls for violences. See the numerous complaints regarding these criminal activities:

Ramla Akhtar: the main milestones of an international cyberstalker’s case  

Olga Elinova Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), a Russian travel operator, acting under the name of "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия) explicitly joins the Akhtar's hatred and blackmail campaign, January 2021.

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим)
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova,
Olga Sim (Ольга Сим)

In June 2019, Ms Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) could have stopped Ramla Akhtar's insane campaign against the Wakhi community of Hunza and its European visitors. See: Ramla Akhtar, how this cyberstalker “converted” a conciliation proposition into fake repeated threats? But, as surprising as it might be, she acted thoughtlessly by recycling a kind of Kremlin's propaganda digest against western countries, turning it into a geopolitical and ideological war, while Russia and France are doing nothing in Pakistan and have no wish for acting so, in what China considers as its private preserve. This is how, diverting a mediation assignment, Ozerva used it to teach a lesson to an European citizen, and insanely propeled the mentally sick Ramla Akhtar.

This is how, diverting a mediation assignment, Olga Leonidovna Ozera used it to teach a lesson to an European citizen and insanely propeled the mentally sick Ramla Akhtar.
This conversation between three people should have remained private. However, Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam decides to regularly make public partial quotes of it in her wish to "demonstrate" she is permanently "tortured" by a French "White supremacist", a "leftist", a "nazi", a "fascist", a "murderer", a "terrorist", a "miscreant", a "rapist apologist", etc. The full conversation can be downloaded here so that any reader can make his own opinion.

Olga Elinova Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), a Russian travel operator, acting under the name of "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия) explicitly joins the Akhtar's hatred and blackmail campaign, January 2021.
Olga Sim's January 2021 ultimatum and the way it was slammed.

It was enough to give Ms Ahtar's instable mind the missing "inspiration" which will become one of her main propaganda topic, a false allegation of "separatism", under "western interference", that she will consider as "terrorism" (as it is done under Putin's criminal regime against civil-society activists, in Russia and abroad). Meanwhile, the report, presented here, about Akhtar's pornographic conspiracy theories, became viral in Hunza (2,700 readers as of January 2021). Despite an intense stalking (more than 1,500 tweets with an "anonymous" impersonating account, @GruaAbuseArkive sent against Bernard Grua, with defamation, bullying, calumnious denunciation purposes, if not physical violence expectations), Akhtar never succeeded in obtaining the report removed from internet. That's why, on January 10, 2021, her friend, the Putinist Ozerova, decided to openly appear with a blackmail where she demands Internet cleansing. She presented a plan to hire 10 agitators, not belonging to Hunza, for false testimony to Pakistani authorities with a complaint for terrorism against Bernard Grua. She was slammed. Her ultimatum was dumped. She and her company "Extreme Travels in Russia" are, now, facing the same #sanctions as her radicalized partner.

Read below:
In June 2019, Ms Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) could have stopped Ramla Akhtar's insane campaign against the Wakhi community of Hunza and its European visitors.
Olga Sim and "Extreme Travels" endangered activity in Pakistan

Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects

Since 2015, Ms Akhtar says proposes consulting services under a solo person unregistered entity called with two names: Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects. 


E1: Controversial posts from Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam

E2: Other articles about Hunza & Pamir by Bernard Grua

E3: New planned slanderous denunciations in pack (June 21st)

Rmala Aalam: "I will be speaking with the Pakistani Ombudsperson for Harassment of Women in Workplace. Her charter hopefully also deals with our situation.  I will be writing to Pakistani Embassy in Paris letting them know that a French citizen has threatened to exile me from a Valley in Pakistan... and could they advise me on the legal constitution of such a threat? We will also copy to French Embassy and ask them if there is any sort of understanding between France and Pakistan whereby French citizen can come to sensitive areas and try to excite violence against a minority (where I live I am a minority. There is only exactly one person of my profile here and that is me.) woman, regardless of the inner transactions between this person and her neighbors? Do I have like authority to work with French police to exile a French city person from a village in France... when I am wholly unrelated to any matter or dispute between them and the village?"

E4: Electronic letters to the ambassadors of Pakistan, to the ambassador of France and to Ms. Kashmala Tariq, Federal Ombundsperson for Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace (June 22nd & 24th)

Pakistan Ambassador in Paris:
Rmala Aalam's false testimony: electronic letter to the ambassador of Pakistan

French Ambassador in Islamabad:
Rmala Aalam's false testimony: electronic letter to the ambassador of France

Ms Kashmala Tariq, Federal Ombundsperson for Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace

Rmala Aalam's false testimony: electronic letter to the Federal Ombundsperson for Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace

E5: Where to stay in Chapursan Valley

Pamir Serai guest houses are the traditional homestay of Zoodkhun and Baba Ghundi for external visitors. They are run by the internationaly famous Alam Jan Dario’s family.

Sky Bridge Motel & Resorts opened in 2018. It is run by Fahim U. Baig in Zoodkhun.

Hilltop Guest House is run by Haider Badakhshoni in Reshit.

UPDATE, december 2020.

One year and a half after it was posted, this report has been read 2,621 times. 
On September 22, 2019, Ms Akhtar became a rabid Twitter stalker. Here below are the numbers of tweets she sent to her victims with defamation, calumnious denunciations to authorities (including French, Pakistani & Russian gvernments), hate speech, calls for harassment in pack etc. as of December 8, 2020. See: Fake news: radicalized Pakistani stalker, Ramla Akhtar, pretends her main victim was misguided about her criminal use of Social Media

Save this report on Pinterest

Chapursan Valley, analysis of Ms Ramla Akhtar hate speech against the Wakhi minority - credibility assessment of alleged conspiracy theories – concerns about imported extremism

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Questions can be asked via an email or using the comment box below. For these comments, attention is brought to fact that all illegal comments will be deleted. This includes, not restrictively, prohibition of hate speech, prohibition of discrimination, prohibition of harassment, prohibition of racism, prohibition of sexual or violence material, prohibition of material exposing someone's life to a danger and respect of private life.


  1. Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, Rmla Aalam's friends, sent me a message about this article on 15/09/2019

    Hi Bernard i read your article, not entirely. And i suppose nobody would be bothered to read this long text. Thank you for putting your narrow minded opinion of me publicly, while I never even mentioned anything of you publicly apart from private messages. And you say you are not anti-Russian? After the bullshit you wrote of me that I "praise wealth like other Soviet people "..quoting this really anti-Russian writer Alexievich . And taking my words from private conversations into public. Thank you Bernard you are a true gentleman.

  2. Answer to Mss Olga Leonidovna Ozerova 1/2

    Уважаемая Ольга Леонидовна (Dear Olga),

    Thank you very much for your personal feed back regarding the article. I am pleased you made the effort to read some chapters of it while you were not part of the expected audience. Actually, I perfectly understand you find it too long. The aim of this paper is not to convince you, Ramla Akhtar or her worshippers. You are faithful to your friend. It is highly honorable and cannot be questioned. Although some of them are evident charitable people who are lured, most of the blog page worshippers are некультурный (people with no culture). They need a guru, or who knows, a goddess. They will keep Rmala Aalam until they find a more radical one, but it will not be your or my problem.
    I appreciated your efforts in trying to come to an appeased solution even if you and I, unfortunately, did not succeed. I understand you are not pleased to be mentioned in this case. I am really sorry for this ad apologize. However, your explanations, while studying this very unusual Akhtar'case, were of great help. They contributed to a better over-view of Akhtar character. You, also, evidenced that the «foreign meddling» accusation was irrelevant. It is a precious information for the readers. It had to be adequately sourced for not being considered as assumptions. I hope you can understand this.

    Actually one of the aims of this paper is to show some truly unexpected findings resulting from this long and demanding analysis. It was to be documented for the records. Especially for foreign travelers who are miles away from this supernatural way of looking at themselves or at the world. However, the main goal is to present another vision than the Akhtar sectarian one. It is, here, for the future, while it will stay on internet text and images, when the Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn" posts will be lost in Facebook marshes.

    To be continued

  3. To Mss Olga L. Ozerova 2/2

    Please, don't get confused by Western or Eastern basic propaganda models. Although I don't have the level and the experience of the Nobel price, S. Alexievich, I have an old and passionate relation with your land and its people. I visited them numerous times in St Petersburg (I even gave a lecture in FINEC, one of its most famous University) and Moscow, but I also went in the most remote parts of your country, by extreme conditions. I am a regular contributor to the Russian state Media, Russia beyond the headlines. I have correspondences with Russian scientists. However, I have a repeated negative experience with the Kremlin authoritarian regime and its French alt-right supporters. I will just take one of the numerous examples. One night, on a St Nazaire's public space, on my land, Brittany (I'm from Breton minority), I was demanded my passport by an aggressive FSB (former KGB) agent. This kind of illegal demand works in occupied territories (such as Transnistria, Crimea, Donbas, Syria, Georgia...) not in mine. France is not a country where FSB can kidnap people like in Baltic states or Belarus. I made the shadow guy running away under my strong sentences in Russian and with an appropriate phone call. You may, nevertheless, consider, what would be the signification, for you, being asked the same by a foreign secret service agent in Saratov. You can learn more by yourself about such circumstances, if you wish so. These tribulations are documented on internet and on Facebook. I will not enter into additional details. Anyway, I respect your position, which is very similar to the one of my Russian friends. And, with Russian friends, we never talk about politics. The world is made of different people and different minds, that's why it is great. Let's close the irrelevant political caption, Olga. Let's focus on Akhtar's case.

    Regarding the man accused by Akhtar, I have my own personal opinion. But I will not disclose it. I have no right to do it. I didn't mention he was innocent. I didn't mention he was guilty. I just strongly oppose the way a hatred campaign is fuelled against him, his family and his community. It is not “the justice” as invocated by a freak. It is injustice. It is dangerously irresponsible when an ethnic and religious minority is concerned, especially in a country “as explosive as Pakistan” (Akhtar's words). This is not acceptable.
    Then, regarding Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, she can do what she wants: living in the middle of the people she hates or moving elsewhere to treat her neurosis. Trying to take care of her wasted talents is her friends burden, not mine. On my side, as announced, since that my article is finished, I distribute it to Hunza people with whom I had no contacts until it was completed.

    Sincerely yours,

    Bernard Grua, 18/09/2019

  4. thank you so much for this article

    1. Thank you very much for your feed back. Having been in Chapursan Valley, knowing the people, having seen the reality, it was not acceptable to read what Ramla Akhtar wrote about this community. But it was a big effort to go through all her writings. It was a challenge to resist and stay cam in front of such an amount of scandalous malice.

  5. Ramla is not a mere troll - she is completely psychotic! For her, the whole world is against her and her child, and she is a model of innocence and saintliness. She is continuously on the move because she cannot tolerate anybody. Her presence is toxic - those who once loved her, have given up. Those who are still helping her, are getting weary. She is also not gracious when she receives help and there is a chance you may get burned by even trying to reach out.

    What I am concerned about is her child. Ramla is a lost cause but her child is now forced to suffer and endure her madness. In around 2015, she made a post on her Facebook account showing her child gagged and bound up tightly and she indicated that she had been beating her child. This led to some Pakistani agencies getting involved and they warned her that the child may be taken away if that happens again. However, the psycho lady that is Ramla, responded to this by doubling down and going totally batshit crazy. She then proceeded to take her child with her to the northern parts of Pakistan and rants almost daily about some awful thing that happened to her.

    Ramla I am sure you will be reading this blog since you are so sensitive about everything that is said about you so I will ask you this - what do you think would have happened? Pakistan has good people but like any third world country, it is not the safest place for women. I sympathize with you and know that you have suffered, but you are the sort of person who makes her suffering worse. You have not acted in a normal way and you have placed yourself and your child in a vulnerable position. There will be no salvation for you with the sort of mindset you have! You have already ruined your own life and are about to do the same to your child! To be honest, I am not sure you can change and even if you do then there is no path back since you burned all the bridges but I can only hope that somehow someone rescues your child!

    1. 1/2 Thank you for your detailed answer and the time you took to prepare it. Actually it is quite short for the volume of information you deliver. Every word is of importance. I will quote each of your paragraph and then answer to it.

      "Ramla is not a mere troll - she is completely psychotic! For her, the whole world is against her and her child, and she is a model of innocence and saintliness. She is continuously on the move because she cannot tolerate anybody. Her presence is toxic - those who once loved her, have given up. Those who are still helping her, are getting weary. She is also not gracious when she receives help and there is a chance you may get burned by even trying to reach out."
      I fully agree with you however, I was writing a public paper and could not use the words that were coming to my mind. I was actually horrified by what I read from her. Many times I refrained to expose the disgust she caused to me. The more I was entering the Ramla Akhtar's case, the more it was complex, the more I was leaving the real word. I am not a psychiatrist and this way of "thinking" was very difficult to address.

    2. 2/2 "What I am concerned about is her child. Ramla is a lost cause but her child is now forced to suffer and endure her madness. In around 2015, she made a post on her Facebook account showing her child gagged and bound up tightly and she indicated that she had been beating her child. This led to some Pakistani agencies getting involved, and they warned her that the child may be taken away if that happens again. However, the psycho lady that is Ramla, responded to this by doubling down and going totally batshit crazy. She then proceeded to take her child with her to the northern parts of Pakistan and rants almost daily about some awful thing that happened to her."
      The way Ramla Akhtar uses her daughter is scandalous. She considers she can say all that she wants thanks to this little girl. if you contradict her, you are threatening a single mother. You are endangering both of them, etc. It took me a long time to write about this case. After each break I thought: "Come one. Be more human. This lady is in distress. Be nice with her." Then, I started to remove some chapters and change the words. But I was coming back to her writings and what I read was more than non-acceptable. I do not make a big issue about that, but I was and I am harassed, slandered, insulted, threatened by this person. And the reason is just that she needs to fight, to be more than a b***. She needs it to "live." After days and nights of thinking about this person, I also came to the conclusion she is a lost cause. But there is one person who haunts me. This is the cute little girl. I wondered how this poor child can grow up, can be educated, safely surrounded with love and care in such an environment of madness. You unfortunately gave the logical answer. And this is terrible.

      "Ramla I am sure you will be reading this blog since you are so sensitive about everything that is said about you so I will ask you this - what do you think would have happened? Pakistan has good people but like any third world country, it is not the safest place for women. I sympathize with you and know that you have suffered, but you are the sort of person who makes her suffering worse. You have not acted in a normal way, and you have placed yourself and your child in a vulnerable position. There will be no salvation for you with the sort of mindset you have! You have already ruined your own life and are about to do the same to your child! To be honest, I am not sure you can change and even if you do then there is no path back since you burned all the bridges but I can only hope that somehow someone rescues your child!"
      You are, once again, right. This article shows that Ramla Akhtar made, per purpose, always the worst choice. Probably showing or staging, the fact she suffers is the last opportunity to answer her frenetic need for attention. You say, "I am not sure you can change." I am sure she will not change. This story will finish with a suicide, with prison or, in the best case, in a Psychiatric hospital. Her daughter must be rescued. The people in the middle of whom she lives shall protect themselves of the discords creation which became her reason for living.

    3. Absolutely. 100% agreed. Ramla lives for confrontation and for acceptance. She always contradicts herself too, like when she says she does not care about those who talk about her and then proceeds to write long ranting, abusive posts daily, lashing out against 'voracious men' who have supposedly destroyed her life and hound her everywhere she goes!

      One can only hope that the current Pakistani government implements strong child protection laws like most developed countries and take the kid into their own custody because otherwise they both have no future...

  6. In my comment above, I have not talked about Ramla's problem with the people of Hunza. I do not want to take sides since the evidence is all 'he said, she said' kind. However, if Ramla is indeed exaggerating or lying then it will hurt the image of Hunza just for the sake of her ego.

    I am inclined to think that it is indeed the latter scenario - Ramla is educated enough to know that if there were indeed cases of rape, then there are many channels for action to be taken against the perpetrators even in the remote lands of Hunza. If she is indeed afraid of going to the authorities, there are NGOs and human rights groups who would always be willing to intervene. I realize the psychological and social factors involved which prevent women from reporting rape and assault but this just smells of classic vindictive Ramla trying to harm everyone who she perceives to be her enemy

    1. Although I value very much your wise and appeased comments. I don't fully agree with your last one.
      When there is a litigation between two people, we should not interfere. We should not support one person against the other one. But, here, it is not "he said, she says". This is not a litigation between two people. This a massive revenge plan for life dereliction against a whole community launching an illegal open trial where all statements seem to be allowed


      It is not "he said, she says". Let's remember that before a judicial decision, a person accused is reputed innocent. This is of importance because if I understand well what "reports" Ramla Akhtar", it is supposed to have happened 20 years ago. Surprisingly, the only person who writes this story is RA who was very far from Hunza at this time. Where is (are) the victim(s). Murdered? Let's be serious. Then, let's talk about what RA calls "rape". If you read her carefully, her words have no connection with the reality. They are only connected with the effect RA wants to produce on an audience. Believe me or not. But "rape" for "Akhtar" could be "just" flirt.


      B- It is not "he said, she says". I explained above § 2.1. why paedophilia and rape is the "perfect crime". It is a weapon of asymmetric war. Only "she" says something, a devasting one. In front of this "he" can't say anything. Because he is accused by someone (especially someone backed with voyeuristic and exalted people who do not know anything about those from whom they want blood) he is already guilty of the two most inexpiable sins: rape and paedophilia. I faced it because of my implication in civil society. These attacks were made by alt-right French fanatics. You need to know what is to open internet and read monstrous things about you. You need to know what is receiving written or phoned messages, days and night, threatening your life. You need to know what is to enter your apartment, after a travel, and check if someone is not here to kill. You need to know what is been scared that your family, your friends, your clients, your colleagues read these horrible accusations. In this terrible times you are alone. Totally alone. Nobody wants to be suspected of being a "rapist buddy" a "paedophile friend". This is not something "classic". You need to know what is living with fear and shame. Once you experienced that, you cannot leave Ramla Akhtar going on her death "mission". You will fight her with all your accumulated experience.


      And then, RA's painting of the Wakhi community in Chapursan Valley as such a despicable pornographic theatre, see § 3.2. and § 3.3, is not tolerable. This was to be opposed. RA let the people comment. Then she kept her answers but removed the comments of her contradictors and started to attack them by all means. Let's try to not make it personal. But as far as I'm concerned it is the most desperate, brilliant, ridiculous bunch of shit and junk actions (including Pakistan and French authorities ) I ever faced. That's what happens to you if you oppose RA hatred and madness. I perfectly understand why, here, comments prefer to be anonymous. This person wanted to bring shame on Chapursan Valley. Actually, this a country, Pakistan, she is spoiling for her porn and dereliction vengeance. It is because of RA instrumenting human and women rights for a personal interest on a manipulated use of Facebook that we had to quit it and that we meet, here, directly on the web.

    2. I understand. In this day and age of the internet, people can accuse each other of anything. And unfounded accusations of rape, pedophilia and assault are instantly deemed credible by extremist, armchair 'Me Too' feminists without any evidence.

      I understand how these allegations may affect people who are accused and their families and friends. Unfortunately, that is our reality now as there is nothing being done against it and even in big developed countries, due to feminist activism, there is no possibility of any legislation being introduced to prevent this sort of thing.

    3. Feminist activism is mandatory as are many other NGO's. There is a lot to do for the women cause in any country. In France, in Pakistan or any where else. Mandatory, but there can be people taking advantage of the system like the one we talk about. Let's them not enjoy their forgery with impunity.
      Regarding internet, the last four years, the situation improved against slanders. Fake news are recognized as a real society issue. Harassment is, now, taken very seriously and our authorities implemented serious tools against it. legislation is enforcing. Facebook became much more vigilant. But we have to act as responsible people and not to believe in all what teases our primary impulses. When we see unfair statements we have to commmit ourselves to challenge them.

  7. So this person RA seems a bit paranoid or not? Not for me to decide or judge. She obviously needs help more than a witch hunt, and how are you any different Mr. Grua than her? You are doing the same thing you accuse her of: inciting hate against her and endangering her and her child's life ? Let the alleged accused deal with this himself. Why are you so keen to expose her unless it is to feed your own ego, which she probably slighted. Leave Pakistani affairs to Pakistanis. Who asked for your intervention or help?

    1. 1/2 Thank you for your comment. The points you raise are of importance and need an answer, although most of them have been addressed in the above report. Actually, the purpose of this report is to present a public hate speech that was hold publicly on internet. The main target is a worshipper group of people who know nothing of the region and of the people Ramla Akhtar talks about, it was not Pakistani only. Facebook is a worldwide media. What do you mean by: "inciting hate against her and endangering her and her child's life ?" . May be I am wrong but you apparently suggest that Ramla Akhtar's public posts should have been kept secret for her own safety. Or do you suggest the people she talks about in these posts, (i.e. all Chapursan inhabitants) should have ignore them? The report stays as factual as possible and try to give large quotes instead of rephrasing the words of Ramla Akhtar. It is also the expression of counter-arguments that have been exposed below RA public posts but have been removed by her, while their authors have been assaulted (to keep a soft vocabulary). See § 3.1.2. Forced blackout. There is no question of witch hunt in this report. It is the use of freedom of speech with ground information against a hate speech. Do you mean a Pakistani person could demand a French man to be silent in his own country, France? Let's be serious. I don't know where you live... North Korea or?.. It is may be like that in your own country but not in Pakistan, not in France. By the way, regarding RA's child, the situation is not as simple as you mention. This report led to , a well informed comment posted above. It raises surprising questions about how RA care of her daughter.

      You say "Let the alleged accused deal with himself". That's of course what RA should have done. But there is no "alleged" accused. There is a man that RA decided he is guilty. She calls him "the-rapist" and "the-pedophile". By the same forgery those whose question the extremely confused RA's narrative are "buddies" of "the rapist" and "the pedophile". The litigation between these two people should have been private and not being exposed publicly with such an oriented presentation. RA made an active public promotion of her affair. "Nemo auditur propriam suam turpitudinem allegans".
      "Why are you so keen to expose her unless it is to feed your own ego, which she probably slighted."
      Once again, please read the report. There is no question of feeding any ego. She is may be not the "witch" you mention but I do not see any sane person looking for Ramla Akhtar's consideration. Probably you do not know her, Otherwise you would not ask this question.

    2. 2/2 " Leave Pakistani affairs to Pakistanis." This is not only Pakistani affair. RA says male foreigners are part of the Chapursan sex conspiracy. RA does say all foreign female independent travelers are sex exploited. This is, here, the only personal interpretation of this comment. But I do ask myself if one of the goal is not to harm Chapursan people by saying to foreigners it is a Valley to avoid for safety issues. I leave this question open. Moreover since she removed my comments under post, this person do not stop her slander posts against me on her page, she harasses me with messages every where she can. She denounced me twice to the French Embassy in Islamabad. She will denounce me to the Pakistan Embassy in Paris, she wants (its is not smart from her but...) to denounce me to the French justice, etc. I am not a witch but I am clearly hunted. Why? I have been in Chapursan Valley. I met with numerous people who treated me as more as a friend. I have ground information.

      Do you mean I should not talk about what I have seen? Do you mean only Pakistani people who do not know Chapursan Valley could be allowed to talk? (Pakistanis who know have been rebuffed too). What is this kind of arrogant and colonialist behavior? Anyway, I will stop here. I strongly recommend you to read an article before commenting. All the answers are there.
      See § 2.1. The accident which could have ignited the fission chain reaction
      See § 3.2.1. Forced blackout (again)
      See § 4.2. Xenophobia as a mobilization tool.

      If you don't believe Ramla Akhtar statement saying my action is on "the-rapist" demand you will  find, there, the answer to your question: " Who asked for your intervention or help?". Please, have also a look to the comment aboveand its chapter THE ACCUSATION PRESENTED AS A FACT IS THE UGLIEST TOOL OF A DISSYMETRIC WAR.
       Last but not least I recommend you to read this article: Interview with Bernard Grua about a new troll conspiracy theory: the "secretly coordinated terror campaign"

  8. To the person suggesting that her child should be taken away from her, you sound like an embittered woman who should also stay out of people's business.. especially a relationship between a mother and a daughter. Where is your proof that she gagged her daughter? Her daughter seems quite wholesome and happy so mind your own house before trying to break another's.

    1. If you want proof, you should contact Mahrukh Beyg. This lady is the owner of the Haryali Entrepreneurship Market and Haryali Store. Back in 2016, she was friends with Ramla Akhtar but was compelled to call the authorities when she saw Ramla's post in which she threatened to break her daughter's ribs alongside photos of her daughter all tied up in her cot. Ms Mahrukh even took photos of the post.


    2. Here is what says Ramla Aalam about this picture

      Rmala Aalam - 6/26/10 12:45 AM
      I am not writing fiction.
      It is as easy as looking into his Facebook to find out he had been grooming very young girls. My fault is that I found out... and now his most vicious supporter tells me ITS MY FAULT (even though I was a kid in my hometown when this career criminal started in his valley) AND HE WILL EAT MY HEART OUT. Can you effing believe that?

      Facebook deletes my posts and blocks me. If I posted a photo of me wrong-strapping my kid in a carseat, gunship helicopters would appear in airspace. Well not really but people would want to smash me like I am OBL.

      But tell them that a well-known rapist is grooming girls and trafficking guests.. and I get blocked for bullying.

      Thank you patriarchy. You are diabolical.

    3. The post was removed on Rmala Aalam Facebook page. Was it by Facebook or by the author? Was it a problem with the picture or with the post text itself. It should be, however, noted that RA did not answer to accusations, then confirmning them, but decided to launch a diversion attack.

  9. The proof? She posted the whole thing on her Facebook page. I do not have the time to scroll her timeline all the way to that post and, in any case, it may have been deleted by now. At the same time, whether you believe me or not, I do not really care either way!

    Oh, and by the way, she didn't just gag and tie up her kid - she implied she was beating the kid as well. That is the sort of thing that can actually lead to imprisonment and the child be take away from the parent in many countries!

    1. 1/2 If the "person" who removed her Facebook post about maltreatment of her daughter is asking for a proof under an anonymous profile, I won't be surprised. But the question is actually not there. We can believe or not believe this presentation of Ramla Akhtar problem with law enforcement. We cannot just rely of word of any mouth. We shall not act on the reprehensible way RA presents fake news and hunt for the people who do not accept, up front, her scenarios.

      It will be, however, of great help for making a personal intimate conviction. RA problems with the police are a regular and invasive part of her self tale on her Facebook blog page. "Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn". It is, we understand, to "explain" she is handling her sacred mission alone against a state power. It is also part of the victimization shown to the worshippers:
      "...being hauled off unexpectedly one night by the police on account of being... YOU."
      "NONE OF THAT HOWEVER EXCUSES assaulting and playing with and mocking and ridiculing and misguiding your guests; and sweet-talking them into revealing vulnerabilities and secrets WHICH YOU THEN SOREAD LIKE WILDFIRE WITH MALICIOUS INTENT; or extracting information that you then hastily sell to police "
      "XXXX tells his guests that the bad army, agencies, police etc are after the guest or will harm them if they are not constantly shadowed by him or under his "protection"."
      "So let's see what anyone does about it. (Knowing Pakistan, no one will do anything. They will only torture me, bullshit, make excuses, make threats, express disbelief, ask ME to run and hide and be silent "

      Last but not least, it is, for her, an "evidence" of the sex conspiracy in Chapursan Valley. Ok, we understand that, this kind of dark novel building. But. But, it is a bit too much. Then, what if she actually had problems with the police? If yes. What could be the reason? Till now she never gave any tangible reason for this police harassment and torture (which may be, knowing her exaggerations, sitting a couple of hours on a chair in a police station).


      I have to explain that I always add very good contact with the Pakistani police. I appreciate the way they enforce the security of foreigners. That why I always went to introduce myself to them, even when no registration was required. I came to shake hands. To talk with them. They even offered tea, coffee (yes) or meals. In Passu, they even took me in their car to look for an hotel while I had to stay longer (landslide for Shimashal) and there was no free room. Because of these easy talks, they gave me advices on the region. They asked to explain what I tough about Pakistan, if I had problem etc... When I said, I will next time, explain them the rishsk there was for women tourists in Chapursan Valley, according to Ramla Akhtar, she became more hystorical (if possible) and built a new incredible scenario. Look at what she wrote:
      "What I have never seen is an organized attack by a committed supremacist who is a stranger to me, but believes he can direct my local police and men to exile me feom a place eithin Pakistan."
      "We will be speaking with attorneys to determine the rights of French citizens over Pakistan. Is it true that he has the authority yo work with Pakistani police to terrorize a Pakistani wonan who was exposing a Pakistani pedophile?"
      "And the Pakistani police amd state will have to inform us just when the French became our viceroy."


      Ramla Aaalam is prompt to invoque Pakistani authorities, French autorities and international NGO's mobilization to defend her against the French "rapist-buddy". Then why is she so scared with "just" local police. Nobody is obliged to believe in her child maltreatance. However, it is the only relevant explanation I have read until today. It is a not a prrof, once again. But it is part a personal intimate conviction.

    3. It looks like the comments over the police and her child maltreatance were very relevant. The Black Mountain Dragon was blowwing flames all the night on. Today (06/27) there are huge fireworks on her blog page. Incredible number of posts:
      If someone is brave enough to put his nose in this trash can and read all this crap, a summary is welcome.

    4. LOL, trying to read her posts makes your head spin.

      Anyways, I think she is calling you, Bernard, a white supremacist and rambling about a ton of things about you as well as her supposed husband against whom she is about to get a divorce. There is a lot of reference to her meeting with a public prosecutor as well.

      Thank you for your comment and for your courage of having looked at her production. It is actually very difficult to read Ramla Akhtar. As I said, and as you noted, there is no structure, no conductive thread. Sometimes this circling within the same post. Some times she is circling with different posts. Sometimes she contradicts herself from a post to another one. She seems to be extremely unstable in term of emotions. And ,because, the writing is highly emotional, the text is also terribly chaotic. Sometime she wants to make some window dressing, then she pays attention to stage herself with a minimum of commercial ideas. Sometime she is euphoric and the text tells good news even if a couple of hours later the same news is a real terror and threat for her life. Sometimes, she is just dumping her obsessions. The only solution I found to study her case, was to copy her post on MS Word, to highlight the different thematic and to sort. When there is a mix of stinky half eaten chicken (real one, not a girl) with mention of teenagers allegedly raped by senior people above 80's, or herbs collecting in field with alleged drugs or alleged girls sold at Baba Ghundi, you might easily get lost and subject to confusions it is better to avoid. Reading Akhtar means bringing organisation in her chaos.


      Yes, she is calling me a white-supremacist since the beginning. I am not a racist at all. But why I should try to explain that to her. There is a lot of crap like that. An inventory of all this crap is meaningless. What is more concerning is the way she quotes. She tells this person wrote this and this, but it is just a complete re-writing and distortion of sentences. You might be tented to argue, to explain. Then, you enter the troll game. You feed it. You loose your time. You get exasperated. Your right of answer will be diverted and used for another fake information building. We say in French: « You cannot make a donkey drinking if the donkey is not thirsty». Akhtar doesn't want to hear you she wants meat for cooking fake news. Losing time on Facebook doesn't bring anything. And, actually, what is the impact of the diffusion for a post on a Facebook page with 400 worshippers composed from desperate housewives of some big cities? What will be the impact of this garbage on my reputation? Zero.

      And, forgive me, my Pakistani friend. There is a lot to do for helping Pakistan getting a better image abroad. All my relatives told me I was crazy to visit Pakistan. Now, they changed their mind. Still they are not ready to go there. I wrote in French and in English to help people in knowing how is your country. However, my article on this public French media (a translation of my article in English that was welcome by Passu Times) got extremely negative comments. I tried to explain, to give examples. Still many commentators were very dubious and aggressive some google translations of the comments. You will see. I can't make this answer to Ramla Akhtar, she will scream about racism, but the truth is that any of her feed-back, against me will be considered as an extremist crap in Europe. I don't give a shit to her allegations and I will not even try to deny them.

      By the way, I am supposed to despise her because she would have a brown skin. I did not even know she had a brown skin. Moreover, I don't know Pakistani society but in France we don't pay attention to the skin colour and to the cast (we don't know what it is). Then, what seems a big complex and frustration for Akhtar is not even an issue for me. When we show a lack of respect to someone it is a lack for a respect due to any human person, whatever is its origin. And regarding ladies. Gosh ! If in my family or in my social environment we do not show respect to a girl or to a woman we are under fire since our little childhood. I am French but I belong to the Breton minority which is very matriarchal. Me and my brothers, we always have been under the rules of my grand mother, my mothers, my aunts and my sister. That's the way it goes and it is fine. Then on these topics what Akhtar writes is just Chinese language for me. In other words this is, again, total bullshit.


      I think it is more interesting to study this unusual troll like a rat or a guinea-pig of laboratory. It is more useful to dry the basin of the troll and to encircle it into a numeric containment. We made a first evaluation of the results here. First evaluation of the counter measures taken to roll back the troll hate speech against the Chapursan Valley Wakhi minority". The other thing is to prove that she obviously lies with some specific cases we can check. Then what we cannot check is crap. It was done in this article-report. It is truly too big and not accessible. That's why I have written another paper on this very issue. Open letter N°1 to a troll from a so called “rapist and pedophile buddy.” Why no normal person can believe you?

      Many thanks again for your interest and, please, do not hesitate to share additional reflections.

  10. I am concerned that she is not just accusing a bunch of people of rape but often alleging that the entire Wakhi community and the people of Hunza are rapists...

    "Don't tar everyone with the same brush"

    1. Ramla Akhtar is not accusing the whole Wakhi community for being rapist. She "just" accuses the whole Chapursan Valley of being part of a sex conspiracy from kids to older people. She also talks about girls and women sold in Baba Ghundi. She accuses male foreign travellers to be accomplices.
      Some of her quotes:

      "The fact is that there is an open air fuckhouse in here. Treachery and debauchery is a VALUE. Loyal person are laughed at, ridiculed, punished.Meanwhile... the whole valley and the people in the tourism business know the secret. The unsuspecting traveler is running around like a mouse amongst cats."
      "(Trust me their focus will be "why were you cursing" not "why our our men raping young girls openly; and tour guides are selling their guests to whoever they please while local authorities cover up everything".)"
      "Forcing travelers one way or another into drugs and sex and giving paid entertainment to male guides is a time-honored tradition...."
      "I seriously mean it.... picking up women right off the field for raping or "marrying" is an actual fucking TRADITION! "
      «Men even in their 80's demand hosts to hand er the guest to them for the night. Women of these regions are part of the game; they cooperate to provide booty to males.
      "Old men trying to be the first to rape a virgin teen girl is a THING!!"
      "Open sex hunts are ACCEPTABLE here"

      She says that ALL foreign ladies traveling alone are sex exploited.

      All of this is documented in § 3.2. an § 3.3. above

  11. Hmmm... in her writing, she constantly invokes the 'women card' and the 'single mother card'. She also gets some support mainly from feminists and other women who might feel she is truly suffering (LOL!)

  12. Thank you for your comment. Yes, Ramla Akhtar invokes the "single mother card." She also hijacks important other causes such as antiracism, anticolonialism, anti-sexism, etc. This is fraud. But the people who believe this crap are not guilty and it does not mean their cause is a bad one.

  13. Bernard Grua, how do you dare writing about Ramla, a person you don't even know. The lies you spread on her are scandalous. Shame on you !

  14. 1/2 Thank you for this comment I will answer to you.


    Everything is explained in the article. And I also add some more explanation in the comments above. I suggest you to follow this link and this link


    lt is not a report on Ramla Akhtar. It is a report on Ramla Akhtar's public text published on her Facebook blog page. This person is compulsive writer. The scope is limitedto these texts. It was already a huge because of the volume and because the writing is not organised or structured. Numerous topics are mixed in the same post. A same topic can also be adressed numerous times in the same post Then, the challenge was to organise everything trying to find a conductive thread. The result can be challenged but, then, it is of importance to propose actually something consistent. Everybody would interested to get extra keys for this unusual case.


    No fake building, no scandalous re-wording of someone's speech – Exact quotes

    This report is long while it quotes RA. Here, the scandalous method of fake re-wording, distorting a text and telling «this person says», while changing totally his mind, is banned. Quotes are RA'sone with their very text. It possible to check it easily.
    1. Copy the quote you want to check
    2. Open the paper presenting integrally RA's post with this link 6 Hunza: the
    Black Mountain Dragon anthology
    3. Click on the right of your browser «explore .
    4. Paste in the browser the quote you copied.
    5. Then you arrive in the full text of the post.
    6. You can make sure these are the real words of RA while clicking on the sub-title. It will lead You direct you directly to the post on RA's Facebook blog page.

    Supported and documented contradiction on RA's speech

    Based on my own experience based on actual and verifiable data I denied some obvious wrong statements. For judgemental issues, I refered to respected neutral persons. These respected persons are also exactly quoted.
    Here is the opportunity to answer a previous comment: «and how are you any different Mr. Grua than her?». The method is totally different. I don't invent what Akhtar said. I report it exactly. I will also answerto: «inciting hate against her». If making public RA's... public... words creates hate against her, then she should better think about what she writes. By the way, I agree numerous of her public text are crazy, dangerous and hatred. But nobody wrote these texts for her. Then «endangering her and her child's life». Ramla Akhtar presents Wakhi people as cannibals. I am not kidding. Check here. But I promise, there are no cannibals in Hunza.

    Let's be serious. Let me just add something. I find it outrageous the fact that someone can pretend to hold the most disgusting public speeches and refuses to be contradicted or even quoted because, she is a single mother, she is a women, she has a brown skin. No, it does not work like that. When you are almost 40 years old, there is no reason to not be accountable from your own words.

    1. If you report her to her local area, could it not endanger her life and her child's? Her rambling on fb posts to a few followers does not endanger her but your reporting her to the local people could. What if an angry person decides to take revenge on her and her kid? Pls. act responsibly. I have visited Hunza only once and found the people lovely but there are crazies in every society, quick to violence against an outsider.

    2. Thank you for commenting. However, I am a bit surprised by this inversion of responsaibilities:
      "If you report her to her local area, could it not endanger her life and her child's?"
      When you make public statements, you are the person responsible for them. It is a bit strange to consider that third parties should be responsible for it. Rmala Aalam is 40 years old. She is supposed to know what she does.
      People replied her insane posts. All their comments have deleted. Then they have been banned, insulted and used as material for higher hate speech. Most of the comments, here, are from these people. That's where they can talk. That's why the debate is now outside Facebook and directly on the net. It is Akhtar decision to do so.
      If her writings are THE problem, why she did not remove them?She had numerous days for doing so. She was warned numerous times about this article. She said : « Please go ahead and write your article Mister Grua » (June 5th). She added: « Proceed as you wish » (June 6th). You can have a look on the June 5th conversation and on the June 6th conversation. Let's insist. It was one more time her own decision.
      If you consider her words put her in danger why you don't tell her to remove her crap and to refrain to publish additional one? Nevertheless, I don't know what people you saw in Hunza. These people are not barbarians. They are educated. They love kids. They will not harm an innocent girl because her mother is a bloody one. They will have compassion instead. But, for sure, you cannot force them to like a person who has so dirty words about them. Akhtar makes herself her stay in the valley uncomfortable. One day she will not stand all this junk atmosphere she creates around her. She will have to leave. The sooner will be the better. For her and for everybody.
      To conclude, let's again make it very clear. Because RA as a brown skin (she always refers to it), because she is a single mom, because she has a daughter, she could be allowed to say everything? She could slander a whole community? She could be allowed to invent and to share the most creepy lies? Let's be serious.

    3. Yes, just this week, she indicated on Facebook that she might leave Hunza. With her attitude, I would not be surprised!

    4. That's an interesting contribution. I have seen that too. But after so many lies and manipulations I don't believe in any of her words.

  16. If you really want to do something, report this page on Facebook:

    This page belongs to Ramla Akhtar and she falsely claims that she can cure people from various illnesses such as stress, arthritis, cancer, depression, grief, infections, etc. One of the most controversial claims she makes relates to 'healing' crystals which can cure illnesses - however, there is no scientific basis to conclude that any gemstones or crystals can cure any illness. It is also ironic that Ramla confesses that she has been suffering from stress, depression and arthritis for more than 6 years and still she believes that she can cure others from these ailments!

    Facebook is becoming increasingly strict on anyone promoting fake healthcare remedies. Therefore, please report this Facebook page as well as the Instagram page Ramla Akhtar runs:

    1. Many thanks for your comment. Yes, you are perfectly right. Akhtar uses the credulity of her audience to illegally practise medicine. You wrote, "and still she believes that she can cure others from these ailments!" What believes Akhtar in and what she says just depends on her moods on the times she says it and to whom she says it. I don't think she believes in anything.

      She has a trendy environmental discourse to show some modernity. But her reason for life is confrontation and hate : hate against wakhis, hate against males, hate against foreigners, especially western ones, hate for non colored skins etc. If it helps to get some money from some desperate housewives, with «alternative medicine», it is not bad too. I mentioned in the report her call for public fundings in parallel with her absolute lack of transparency. There is also probably something to find in this sphere.
      The indicator of her lack of faith and her manipulations is the way she uses religion. Akhtar invokes religion in her most critical statements to support her biggest lies. Read her again. It is obvious. It probably deservese an anthology of her religious quotes placing them into their context.

      For readers convenience, I copy your link making them clickable:

      The illegal medicine shop Facebok page :

      The illegal medicine shop on Instagram:

      Forgive me to give you an advice. Do not try to comment any Akhtar post on her FB or twitter pages. Your comment will be deleted and you will feed the troll. You will help her to stage herself as a «victim» and enforce the credulity of her worshipper. Yu could also be banned/

      I guess you are «hpbk7» aka «Jonathan Neil Rhodes» To have an idea of her manipulations, I invite you to read this post

      In my opinion, the best way to counter this troll is to , to make comments on this blog and to comment on Stop-Trolls Facebook page.

      If you have interesting information, we can publish an article, even very short, from you on the blog «Stop-Trolls». I think illegal medicine could be a good topic.

      Good luck!

    2. As an illustration of her Akhtar's victimisation manipulation is a post of yesterday (June 6th, 2019) :

      Our page's Reviews are under a troll attack at the moment. Don't wanna bother you with too many details but for over a month we are under attack by friends of a criminal male who has been assaulting young girls in his region for over two decades at his guesthouse that is based in the remote region where I live.
      I have become depleted in the battle. As many of you know I have previously shared that we often face misogynistic attacks but Alhamdolillah WE SENT THEM BACK IN RETREAT EVERY/ SINGLE/ TIME.
      I need every bit of your support and love.
      Please head over to reviews and write a true review. You send us love in inbox, now do let others know. You may also report fake reviews. Regards.

      She probably sent messages or used fakes accounts. The fact is that she got, yesterday, four of her five reviews. These four reviews are, of course, positive.

      Sarah Asad:
       »I highly recommended the products. The owner is very knowledgeable trustworthy and authentic and knows exactly what she is selling.
      I ordered honey and balms and found both very effective.
      Again have a few things in my wishlist that will order soon.
      Keep up the good work »

      Farah Mohsin
       »unique products by an authentic and knowledgeable person. Highly recommended.
      11 »

      Azka Wasim
       »personification of honesty! nothing but purity! I'm a regular customer of honey and my kids have left antibiotics (finally) just because we got hold of this honey. winters of 2019 were illness free due to russian olive and snow leopard honey. we're spending our summers taking lavender honey so refreshing and such an energy booster! »

      Jasmine Alvi
      « I'm so cautious of onl8be businesses claiming to provide ,pure organic stuff!
      but Alhumdulilah, this page n the owner,might not come as high end brand,but the simplicity n honesty makes the products stand apart!
      Always , researching for tthe better future,the brand owners unfaltering commitments to provide quality products, always stands test of time.
      the organic apple cider n Rosehip syrup, were so much healthy n full of anti oxidants that it cured the old cough n for the first time didn't had to resort to an antibiotic for the soar throat!
      jazak Allah khairan katheera for standing high although a but alone iin providing much needed quality products at reasonable prices to masses, in these tough economic time »

    3. Her use of religion and Sufism is so bizarre. Just this week, she made a raving post about the advice some Sufi gave her that "rab ki raza mein razi hojao" which loosely translates as "be content with the will of God". The concept implies that you try your best at everything but if things don't go as per your hopes, you then accept it as your destiny and the will of God. By being content with everything that happens to you, you get rewarded with virtues because the hardships of this life were meant to be a test from God and you passed the test by being content.

      However, Ramla attacked this advice in words that I can only describe as blasphemous against God. Her words loosely translate as:

      "And for them (Sufis), being content with God's will is that some cruel person hurts you badly and you keep tolerating it. No need to say anything otherwise God will become upset [Naozubillah]... [As if] God has more important things to do then to deliver you success [Naozubillah]... As if he (God) is not interested in you but is busy with all of His other creations [Naozubillah]"

      Muslims are extremely careful in the language they use about God and that is why Ramla's language is deeply offensive and blasphemous. That is why I added the words "Naozubillah" - which is something you say when someone says something blasphemous and loosely translates as "We seek God's refuge" [from what has been said].

      Anyways, this demonstrates how Ramla calls herself Sufi on one day and then attacks Sufism the next!

    4. I am not a Muslim, then it is difficult to comment. But as I wrote, the three monotheist religions we believe in the same God. I frequently found her "religious" words very offending. I am surprised nobody challenged her about this insane hijacking.

    5. Well, no one challenged her probably for a number of reasons. Religious discussions can get really ugly and it is not a wise thing to have such discussions on Facebook. There are many people in Pakistan who are not very religious and certainly most of the people in Ramla's Facebook circle are like that. It is also quite likely that if someone has Ramla as a friend on Facebook, they may value her friendship more than their religion and may not want to challenge her for this reason.

    6. Then, you mean, religious words are just for stage and don't mean anything for them?

    7. More or less, I guess

    8. I don't know if you have a word in Pakistan for those who invoke and use religion (sometimes teasing fanatism) but don't believe in it and don't practise it. In France we call them "Tartuffe". Akhtar has no religion except herself. I wrote it was a custom made religion after having looked in what specific circumstances she invoked the name of God.
      I found the confirmation because... she claims I attacked her on her Betterbonds Instagram page to which I did not pay any attention before her accusations.
      If you look at this page Ramala Olam she says she is: « Shaman at BetterBonds: Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing » In another page she created in the name of her daughter, she wrote in place of the little girl: « Daughter of Zudkhun, Chapursan./ Born when a Saint (Nan) married a Dragon (Tath)./ Living in exile.» I found this page thanks to this picture that she also used for Sea Buckthorn advertising.
      A fantasized Dragon (part-time), a self-proclaimed Saint, a self-proclaimed Shaman who "came for sacred destruction, holy catastrophe... to uproot the vile fruit... to turn the soil" as she says. See May 9th post. There is nothing from Sufism in her, just a hijack. If she is a Suni Muslim, then all of us can pretend to be the Dalai Lama.

      It is incredible the number of profiles this troll has. Let's wait for discovering new ones and to learn more about this kafir mythomaniac.

    9. Actually, I am a Christian from France. Though I have many Muslim friends, in France and in Tunisia, my way of thinking and talking is based on what is acceptable in my country. I perfectly understand it cannot be considered as correct when talking with a Pakistani Muslim. I apologize if I hurt you in any manner. At least, you taught me something very important. Thanks you.
      And I completely agree with what you say: « But, yes, Ramla is totally screwed up mentally and religiously! »

    10. "I apologize if I hurt you in any manner". Not at all.

      You may call her whatever you want since the rules that apply to me do not apply to you.

    11. These rules apply to those visiting your country. It will be useful for next visits in Pakistan. It always good to learn from other cultures.

  17. On Facebook, you should report her posts as an 'unauthorized sale' (also report them as 'fake news' for Facebook Community Standards). In Instagram, there is no option to flag false medicinal claims so, for now, you should report her posts as 'Spam' - hopefully, they will soon add other reporting options in the future!

  18. What I find ironic is her naming her business as "Better Bonds". LOL, the woman who has broken all blood bonds wants to make better bonds!

    But, yes, her misrepresenting the benefits of herbs and jewelry is dangerous. People can lose their lives if they rely on her products to cure themselves!

    1. Yes these quackeries are dangerous. People can actually lose their lives. She has, actually, most of the diseases (including excessive weight) her products should take care of. Normal people see contradiction in her speeech but she can't decide between promoting her products and having people pitying here.

    2. BetterBonds is a herbal shop located near Hussaini bridge, Gojal, Hunza Valley, Pakistan. It is owned by Mss Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akar. Here below, is the review published on its two Facebook pages. BetterBonds by Rmala - Integrated Folk Remedies For Your Joy & Wellness and BetterBonds Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing
      On September 16, 2019, the same text was published on both pages: first publication and second publication. These reviews did not received proper business comments according to Facebook community policies. Instead they resulted, mostly, in unsupported attacks "ad personam". The discusion is presented below. It is evidenced with the screen captures presented in exhibit 2.
      Read the article: BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services

  19. On September 13, 2019, Rmala Aalam (aka Ramla Akhtar, RA), claimed the persistence of a rumour saying she is a terrorist. There are, as usual with her statements, no evidences of such a rumour which is part of her victimisation discourse for her naive worshippers. However, numerous examples of RA hate for local Hunza people and for foreigners visiting them can be found. Spreading unsupported abject sexual allegations, creating distrust, slandering, instrumentalising religion, playing with a fake puritanism, building false quotes of people she wants to abuse, sharing all possible racist cliches, this person is fueling the fanatism which may pave the way for imported violent actions. Her recent posts are intended to make excessive and ridiculous any observations which may result from her current and last years behaviour in Gojal. This "reputation washing" effort is also an opportunity to stage herself during a period she lived in a big city before bringing chaos, suspicion and fanatism into a peaceful mountain valley.
    Read the new article: Who dares saying Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is a terrorist?

  20. Acute Mountain Sickness is a well known risk from most of those who visit the mountains. It is mentioned, also, in all travel guides. At least it is known from almost all those who prepared a little bit their trip. However, Rmala Aalam, in this post, presents it nearly as a best kept secret. It is  to enforce her conspiracy theory about the fact that guides use altitude to lure their visitors. See the above paragraph: § 3.1. Female tourists being “exploited” without knowing it because of hypoxia acting like alcohol

    Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn
    September 27, 2019
    If you are a Pakistani traveler/adventurer experiencing Acute (or Moderate) Mountain Sickness there are chances that many guides will actually MOCK you and tell you that "White folks do it better". Sure. Because they TAUGHT each other and you do nothing better than taking jibes at gender, bodies, races and ethnicities. Some other guides are truly helpful but not able to educate, so #lacunas remain. اور زیادہ *تر* پاکستانی ٹریولر/بلاگر/گائیڈز جگتیں مارنے، ڈینگیں مارنے، اپنے آپ کو نمبر ون قرار دینے، یا عاشقانہ یا فتوحانہ پوسٹس لکهنے کے علاوہ نہ کچھ کر سکتے ہیں نہ کریں گے.*(And most * Pakistani * Travelers / Bloggers / Guides won't do anything other than hit the jugs, boast, call themselves number one, or write lovable or triumphant posts. *)
    EDUCATION BRIDGES THE GAP. Some education is emerging but more is needed by and for desis.مگر وہ اپنے عشقوں کو بهلا کر آگے بڑهیں تو کچھ ہو؟؟
    (But what if they love their love and move forward ??)
    * Exceptions are found in travel diaries of thorough planners such as the LUMS Adventure society. Other than that most write TRAVELOGUES but give no focus to preparation nor highlight risk matrices. #TourismProblems #TourismFAILSLink attached to this post: AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) KILLS

    The link refered to is about Ladakh and the important tourist industry wanting to make easy money. As usual, remember Kyrgyz brides in § 3.3., Akhtar refers to other places, to support her allegations against Chapursan Valley where tourism is still very small and very family oriented. Anyway, the post referred to by Akhtar does not present hypoxia acting like alcohol and making women visitors being rapped without even undertsanding what happens to them. Let's quote Ramla Aalam's attachement.
    "So the first 3 nights in Ladakh make sure you sleep at an altitude not more than that of Leh (3500 m). Infact go to Basgo (3292 m) or some such place at a lower altitude to spend the first night".

    Remember, Zood Khun,  the highest village of Chapursan Valley is at an altitude of 3 300 meters. Moreover, from Gulmit to Sost, Gojal (Upper Hunza Valley) is comprised between 2 200 and 2 500 m. It allows a progressive adaptation.

    It is interesting to see how, more and more, Ramla Aaalam seeks to fight this report and the related articles on her Facebok pages,  trying to find (unrelevant) evidences for her un-realistic speeches.

  21. I misjudged you Bernard. Ramla was right about you!

    So according to you, a head scarf is "sac poubelle" - a trash bag, huh? And bearded men are "des fumiers" - manure? And "sales" - dirty?

    1. Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, your specialty is to use phrases out of context. You also write anonymously. I could remove this stupid comment but decide to leave it and to underline, then, your miserable prostitute behavior. Meanwhile, I suggest you to post the entire quote. Though, it will probably have the opposite result than the one of your wishes.

  22. Even more funny, Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar answers to herself to stage a fake discussion and approval. It is amazing to see how a taliban lady like her has a final opinion about France and French people without understanding French language and without having put one single foot in Europe. Here is just her standart xenophobia and hate for other culture and religion. Nothing very different from her behavior in Pakistan regarding her compatriots belonging to another ethnicity and to another religion, who got used to her hate speech. By the way, I am not a typical French guy. I am a Breton, part of a minority as the people she slenders are a minority in Pakistan.
    More about Rmala Aalam, aka Ramala Akhtar taliban speech, behavior and promotion:
    - Who dares saying Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is a terrorist?
    - Pakistan; extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis? Translated and published in a French media: Pakistan : l’extrémisme comme conséquence de l’arriération ou comme crise de la modernité ?

  23. Wonderful article. Fascinating to read. I love to read such an excellent article. Thanks! It has made my task more and extra easy. Keep rocking. Health supplement


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